I was thinking last night as I sat in my chair wondering just were I was going to get 8 troll fat's, so that I could craft Ebony un-armored for my mage follower. ( mod'ed follower that wear's Thalmor robes default..umm not good for RP...lol). It had taken forever to get the Ebony, then I thought, "Ya know I am on pc now, I could just "add.item" ... or
And that is where my inner debate starts.. When is adding an item or perk or enchant or...anything really, a cheat? Which is not a great word, but the best one I can think of...atm. I gave my self "unrelenting force" on one of my Characters when the word wall glitched out ( and going back to a previous save didn't work). That I don't consider cheating. I'm on the fence about giving a "light" armored character ( or cloth) heavy smithing perks to improve their followers armor better, why waste perks going up both sides of the tree, but I have done it on 360 and pc. And I think ( for me anyway) that just console commanding say "Dawnbreaker" for a character would be cheating ( unless of course the quest glitched out)
Plus doing some of the console command's kinda ruins some of the experience ( not to mention can have some bad consequences)...imo.. But I was wondering what everyone else thinks... ( not leaving out our 360 and ps3 players...ya'll have an opinion I am sure.)