Adding Children to adoption scripts and quests

Post » Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:55 pm

Hey folks, wondering if anyone has any advice...

I've been looking into how the adoption system works in Hearthfires as part of a mod I'm helping out with.

Initially I'd planned to do what just about every other adoption based mod appears to do and just add the child to the BYOHRelationshipAdoptable faction and set the rank to 10 (making the child available for adoption as a result)

However as the children being worked on currently are for the orphanage, I decided a better approach would be to setup the child in such a way that they get added to the orphanage by the game itself.

this resulted in me doing a bit of digging and discovering the child needed to be added to the Orphanable child list, which meant updating the input params for the BYOHrelationshipadoptableAccessor script, or doing it the way the guys at Bethesda did it with Aeta and having a script run as part of game load that would add the child to the list.

The only other criteria I can see then, is that a child seems to need to have Linked Refs for parents - and those parents need to be dead, no problem, i created an npc, placed them in the world, gave them a ref and set them to start dead.

I then modified the child in their starting cell (Bee and Barb for what its worth) added their mother as a linked ref in LinkCustom02 (which is supposed to be mother), I also for good measure added a relationship between mother and child.

According to the BYOHRelationshipAdoptableScript the child should now meet all the criteria to become orphaned and then get moved to the orphanage where they'd get managed by the orphanage quest and scripts and as a result seamlessly integrate into the world with absolute minimal interference with anything else.

But here's the problem... the above doesn't appear to be working, the child remains in their originally placed location, if I select them and enter: GetLinkedRef LinkCustom02 it brings back the ref of the mother, and prid on that ref followed by getdead confirms that she is dead... (value of 1)

this is in a clean install of the game, the only mods involved are the offical DLC and the unofficial patches.

So my question is, does anyone out there have any experience with these scripts and the adoption system as a whole and have any suggestions?

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