Adding to levellists after perk

Post » Tue Jun 21, 2016 6:29 am

I'm looking for some help on doing a few things. First, there's a few level lists for misc items and they contain random stuff. What does the number at the end signify? I only want to add to misc vendors like Belethor.

I've done this a few years back but I was inserting the spell books into already leveled lists but this time I want to do it only when a perk is added. Iirc, you create a quest(can't remember the settings), add a script and then when the game starts the items are added. Here is a snipped of the script I used.

Not really useful but that's my background.


Scriptname AceAddLeveledItemsScript Extends Quest

LeveledItem Property LItemSpellTomes25AllIllusion Auto
LeveledItem Property LItemSpellTomes50AllIllusion Auto
LeveledItem Property LItemSpellTomes75AllIllusion Auto

;Level 25
Book Property AceSpellTomeConceal Auto

;Level 50
Book Property AceSpellTomeCoward Auto

;Level 75
Book Property AceSpellTomeImaginaryChaurus Auto

Event OnInit()
;Level 25


;Level 50


;Level 75


Debug.notification("Ace Illusion Spells added to leveled lists")

As I understand, quest scripts like the above are always running so a script that fire OnCellDetach() would go off every time it happened so I'm thinking of changing my script to use that. Something like

Scriptname AceAddLeveledItemsScript Extends Quest

LeveledItem Property TheListIWant Auto
MiscObject Property AnObject Auto
Perk Property MyPerk Auto
Actor Property PlayerRef Auto

Event OnCellDetach()

If PlayerRef.HasPerk(MyPerk)


I'm guessing that would work but what's the smart way to do it?

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phillip crookes
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