Okay... I don't want to generate an LOD from scratch, but add a conspicuously missing piece of the Solstheim DistantLOD landscape: the http://imageshack.us/a/img27/346/guh6.png (shown here before I reduced the texture for it to 256x256)
I had a crazy idea of splicing in the mesh into the BTOs (4.12.12, 8.8.8 and 16.0.0 for the Solstheim worldspace) and mimicking the block setup using NIFSkope. It worked great, http://imageshack.us/a/img208/7318/cug1.jpg, http://imageshack.us/a/img62/4189/a0my.jpg... but as soon as you start walking towards it (ascertained to be on the 4.12.12 mesh)... it starts going bonkers. At first it just disappeared when I started getting too close to it. Then I did some more fiddling (splicing the NiTriShapeData and BSLightingShaderProperty sub-blocks into a copy of an existing BSSegmentedTriShape block), and it... http://host.conseiljedi.com/~nico/Skyrim/Miraak%20Temple/01.jpg http://host.conseiljedi.com/~nico/Skyrim/Miraak%20Temple/02.jpg. (pics courtesy of Nico coiN). I've tried various other BSSegmentedTriShapes, but to no avail, it always had huge chunks missing.
So.... What exactly are these "Segments" things that are at the bottom of a BSSegmentedTriShape's block details? And is there any way to get it working without resorting to the long and involved process of generating LOD? It's just three LOD BTOs...
And in any case... you don't get a feel for just how big that temple is until there's LOD for it.