Adding mod items to NPCs

Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:39 am

Basically I have downloaded a mod which has given me access to a Ghillie suit - cool :)

Now, since there's only one, i'd like to integrate it more fully into FONV - My basic idea was making it so that elite & sniper units of the NCR, and possibly the legion (unsure of this though, do you think the legion would use snipers in Ghillie suits?...) use it.

Now, I have a little bit of experience with the GECK, editing weapons, some basic editing of characters (Securitron faces) and so on. This will be my first mod which adds an item to large numbers of NPCs (never added items to NPCs before), so obviously, I have questions!

1) How do I make it so that NPCs use a custom item (in this case the Ghillie suit)?

2) Is there a way in which I can choose specifically which NPCs wear it? (e.g. rangers) And can this be further based on what equipment they use? (I only really want to add it to sniper/anti-material rifle weilding NPCs)

3) The Ghillie suit in question isn't technically a peice of armour or clothing, it seems to be classed as something you wear over armour - in my GECK it's classed as a body-addon 3 - again, fairly new to this, don't know what that means - in game when wearing it, it goes over armour (so, i could wear NCR armour underneath it).

Because of the above, does that mean that if an NPC has this in their inventory, they will not wear it? I know that with armour, they wear what is the best (so power armour over leather armour) - which is why reverse pick-pocketing works, but would this prevent them from using it if it's in their inventory? (It gives +50 sneak just so you know)

And I think that's all my questions! Thanks for the help.
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