Adding Perks to Crossbows by using Keywords

Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:06 am

Hi all

For some time now, I'm trying to add 50%, 75% and 100% armor ignore to some gemmed crossbows.

I noticed it isn't actually an "enchantment" but rather a perk added to the Enhanced Crossbows of Dawnguard called "DLC1EnhancedCrossbowArmorPiercingPerk" (0200399B).

It's linked to a keyword called "DLC1CrossbowIsEnhanced" (0200399C).

So I was wondering: Will the following work?

1. Creating 2 new Keywords (Let's call them "CrossbowIsEnhanced75" and "CrossbowIsEnhanced100")

2. Creating 2 new Perks:

  • EnchancedCrossbowArmorPiercingPerk75: exactly the same like DLC1EnhancedCrossbowArmorPiercingPerk, but 75% armor ignore instead of 50%, linked to the Keyword CrossbowIsEnhanced75.
  • EnchancedCrossbowArmorPiercingPerk100: exactly the same like DLC1EnhancedCrossbowArmorPiercingPerk, but 100% armor ignore instead of 50%, linked to the Keyword CrossbowIsEnhanced100.

3. Adding the Keywords to the appropriate crossbows.

Will this work? Or am I missing a step? (I saw a script was used for the Dawnguard ones. Do I need one here as well?)

Thanks in advance

Kind regards


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Sarah Kim
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