Is it possible to add a 0.5-1 second delay in a script before the actual event happens?
I have this script that a kindly sir gave me the the other day..
Scriptname A0TeleportRecallSCRIPT extends activemagiceffect Actor Property PlayerRef AutoCell Property kSanctuary AutoObjectReference Property kSanctuaryMarker AutoObjectReference Property kWorldMarker AutoEvent OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)If(akCaster == PlayerRef)If(PlayerRef.GetParentCell() == kSanctuary)PlayerRef.MoveTo(kWorldMarker)ElsekWorldMarker.MoveTo(PlayerRef)PlayerRef.MoveTo(kSanctuaryMarker)EndIfEndIfEndEvent
I have this attached to a spell and I put a pretty effect on it, but because I have it set to equip as Voice, the player teleports as soon as I hit the button. Is it possible to add a minor delay so the spell effect has a chance to play before the teleportation?
Thanks for any replies.