Adding Special Enchantment

Post » Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:41 am

Very simple, or hopefully simple, question.


Goal: Add wearable item to the game with the ability or enchantment of Fortify Enchanting.


Basically, I know there are potions in the game that grant the skill increasing perk of "Fortify Enchanting". Additionally, in the Dragonborn DLC there is an armor set that grants a similar effect. I want to simply add this same effect to a new item in the game. Weather that simple be making a special gold necklace with the enchantment. The only thing is since the effect is potion or magic based I can't seem to find it in the enchantment list, probably since you can't enchant or unenchant any item that has this effect because it would be able to be abused.

Thanks for any and all assistance!


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Shianne Donato
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