Having some trouble with a part of a script. I'm trying to add an ability to the player when you use a specific shout.
Here's what I've got:
stuff...Spell Property YourAbilityTwo AutoSpell Property YourShoutOne AutoSpell Property YourShoutTwo AutoSpell Property YourShoutThree Auto...stuff...Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell) If(akSpell == YourShoutOne || akSpell == YourShoutTwo || akSpell == YourShoutThree) Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(YourAbilityTwo) Utility.Wait(10) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveSpell(YourAbilityTwo) debug.notification("Removed") EndIfEndEvent
The shout is not adding the ability to the player or displaying the "Removed" text.
http://www.creationkit.com/OnSpellCast_-_ObjectReference is the creation kit wiki page on the event. I'm not sure I understand exactly how to use this event. What I find confusing in the example is the line:
Spell spellCast = akSpell as Spell
Can anyone help me out here?