Additem causes CTDs in Enclave Commander .090

Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:12 pm

I'm working with ENCLAVE COMMANDER .090, intentions of making some changes. However I get consistent CTDs when fighting the Enclave outdoors. Other people have reported the same thing when fighting ANY of the power armored people with their Enclave Commander NPCs outdoors.

I traced the crashes to additem "xxxxx" where xxxxx is either the slavecollar or token to track killed NPCs. Apparently when the game adds one of these items as the result of (outdoor):
--Prisoner aquisition
--Prisoner interaction for Confiscate belongings, Move to Prisoner Marker and Release,

the game CTDs with a message Fallout has and and an ok button.

Without mods the game may just go to a black screen and desktop.

When I remove the additem references in the script NO ctds!!!!

My question:

Is there some sort of known issue with additem command to power armored NPCs? Not everyone gets this issue, but others do consistently and from description it is the same as mine.




I found this at

which seems relevant

>>I've discovered something recently regarding the AI interruption bug. It seems that you can add items to NPC inventories without a problem, but you can't equip them via a gamemode block without triggering the bug. However, if you equip them via an onadd block, no problems. So you can add tokens with scripts to NPCs, and do the inventory alteration and equipping via the script's onadd block. <<

Earlier it is stated

>>But a bigger issue is stability, doing the ref walk during gamemode, particularly during combat, often leads to crashes.<<

Which seems to relate to the additem CTD I've seen in the Encave Commander code I was referencing earlier. I cleared up the CTDs by removing the additem code to the NPCs but I have curiosity about:
>> if you equip them via an onadd block, no problems. So you can add tokens with scripts to NPCs, and do the inventory alteration and equipping via the script's onadd block.<<

What does that mean exactly?
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