"Somewhat" untrue? We said the same thing! A myth must have some basis in fact, otherwise we would have no understanding of it whatsoever. Example - The myth about Icarus attempting to fly and falling. That myth has a Sun, humans, flight, thought, speech, air, water, feathers, etc., etc. Hell, even the laws of physics were in play, otherwise he wouldn't have fallen! Those are real things. Those are factually existing things. That is the type of truth that must be the basis for a myth. The fact that you state that what I said is anything but the same as what you said in your 2nd sentence is just silly. Are you just trying to sound smarter than me? lolz
No, I wasn't trying to appear smarter, are you?... :read: and I don't think it's silly at all as I was saying something completely different. Let me clarify. What I meant is that it doesn't have to have historical basis in fact (in other words, pertaining to events, not laws of physics or whether certain things actually exist). It simply must be a story that contains elements of fiction that can't be verified historically or scientifically, yet still believed to be true. What I got from your post was that it HAD to have a historical basis in fact specifically pertaining to events, when in reality, it's optional. This confused me because I found that your original post and now your explanation above, as I understood them, seemed obvious and vague as they also pertained to your definition of parable and fable which you claimed made them different from myths. The only possible distinctions I see are that parables and fables may be seen as untrue (although I'm not sure on this point) and often come with a moral lesson depending on the definition used, while myths do not. They all however contain some factual elements as outlined in your post above. Either way, that is where I got confused. So I just assumed you meant "they must pertain to factual events historically to be considered myths" which would have been incorrect. It's fine, I may have just misunderstood your meaning, and I apologize for that if that's the case. Also, having Reread my post,:deal: I can see how my point wasn't made very clear, so sorry about that dude. :vaultboy:
Also, a REAL myth can't be proven/disproven by empirical evidence unless you use a time machine. :thumbsup:
This is not true as verifiable evidence could surface for many myths today. For example, there are myths that speak of creatures currently roaming the Earth, such as big foot. Although admittedly unlikely, empirical evidence for that creature's existence, such as a body, could be found today or next week. As soon as it's historically or scientifically validated it would cease to be considered a myth and would not require vast leaps in time. :shocking:
Anyway... we're getting way off topic with this mythology stuff. I'm not saying you shouldn't respond in anyway, I just think we should try to wrap this up. Agree?.... In any case, it would be awesome wandering the mountainous regions of Skyrim and seeing aurora, so I hope they put it in. I also want to travel great distances into the future where the Wii is out... wait.... :sadvaultboy: I mean Skyrim.
EDIT: Merari, don't know if you'll see this, doesn't matter I suppose, but "myth" seems to actually have several definitions if you look it up. The one you provided is simply one of them according to the dictionary and just happened to be applicable to the subject of your class I imagine.