addTopic not working

Post » Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:20 pm

I'm trying to add a new topic to one of the vanilla companions, but nothing is showing up. This was easy when I used to script a fairly detailed companion mod in Oblivion. I made a new quest form, added the script, created the topic and choices, set the GetIsID condition, and then set it to quest form to enable. Also I filled out both the topic & prompt fields. Disabling other mods didn't help.

scn QuestToAddATopicScriptshort doOncebegin gamemode  if doOnce == 0    addtopic WordsThatNeverAppearTopic    set doOnce to 1  elseif doOnce == 1    stopquest NotWorkingVeryWellQuest    set doOnce to 2  endifend

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Naazhe Perezz
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