Yeah, yeah, I pick up everything I find, and I know all about the vegetable paste, and farming mutfruit, corn, and tatos out the wazoo, and scooping up purified water wherever you find it. But I like to tinker and experiment, and do extra stuff, for display and such, and that just doesn't cut it.
I don't think it makes much of a difference in game play, but I like the idea of decking out all of my settlers in the best armor and weapons I can find or make, basically a uniform for my people. (Yeah, that's also as tedious as it sounds. FO4 is NOT friendly to doing item mods in batches.)
I often run short of this or that, but the one constant grind, head and shoulders above all others, is the adhesives. And in theory, I can make all of them that I want to, but I've had it with the endless rounds of scooping up the aforementioned ingredients to grind out more of the stuff.
I still play the game honest for everything else, but I finally broke down and consoled myself 1000 of the @#$! adhesive. Anyone else feel the same way?