I remember hearing in an interview Todd Howard said body customization would be possible. Would height be adjustable too?
It would be cool to change height, but only slightly. I don't want my Altmer to be 3'2 or other Bosmers around me to be 7'2. It should be changeable to a small degree.
I don't think restricting it in character creation is important. It's not multiplayer so if people are making 7 foot Bosmers you wouldn't have to see them. They'd probably have height ranges for the NPCs though, or for when you hit the random button.
Sure, some slight variations would be great. For Oblivion you could only accomplish something like this with a modded "custom" race. My altmer was technically a custom race being ever so slightly taller and slender than his brethren. (Plus he had custom tattoos, hair, eyes, earrings... but he's still an altmer.)
I don't think the shortest altmer should still be taller than the tallest bosmer. Yeah, like 95% of altmer should be taller, but think of real life races. Black people are generally considered tall and asians are generally considered to be short. But there are definitely quite a few 6'5 asians or 5'5 black people.
There should be an average height range for a certain race, and an interval on each side of that number that you can choose. The smallest bosmer will still be smaller than the smallest altmer, but there will be much more range and diversity within races.
^ Yeah, there would realistically be some overlap. As long as it's consistent. Tallest bosmer can't be as tall as the tallest altmer, but a really short altmer could be shorter than a really tall bosmer. NPCs should mostly adhere to the average range, but for player characters a little more variation would be acceptable. If you want to keep your character in the average range, that's fine. I'm sure that's what I'll end up doing.
I don't think the shortest altmer should still be taller than the tallest bosmer. Yeah, like 95% of altmer should be taller, but think of real life races. Black people are generally considered tall and asians are generally considered to be short. But there are definitely quite a few 6'5 asians or 5'5 black people.
There should be an average height range for a certain race, and an interval on each side of that number that you can choose. The smallest bosmer will still be smaller than the smallest altmer, but there will be much more range and diversity within races.
Pretty much this. The shortest girl I dated was 4 feet 10 inches and I have a friend who is 6 feet 7 inches. That is the advlt range I have personally encountered on a deep level. I am sure I've walked past even shorter and taller people. Ranges in reality are fairly large, narrow the range too much and verisimilitude is broken.
I don't think the shortest altmer should still be taller than the tallest bosmer. Yeah, like 95% of altmer should be taller, but think of real life races. Black people are generally considered tall and asians are generally considered to be short. But there are definitely quite a few 6'5 asians or 5'5 black people.
There should be an average height range for a certain race, and an interval on each side of that number that you can choose. The smallest bosmer will still be smaller than the smallest altmer, but there will be much more range and diversity within races.
It should just be a slider. You could make a rather tall Bosmer, but most other Bosmer would be around the same height, and maybe one midget or one giant bosmer. I really hated it as a Bosmer, I would always jump before I talked to people in Oblivion so I would be taller than them.
Personally, being allowed extreme size changes for the player character wouldn't bother me, so long as the NPCs still reflected their own racial standards.
Size changing in whatever form would be awesome, The mod community will taylor the feature to each preference soon enough.