So I jump on DDD to do my usual thing but then I ran across KLEEKAI, a long standing veteran player and former BFG member. This guy is really good and I believe him to be legit. As I walked on the first comments I had seen were from DDD Geronimo 1 which were: "launch an orbital again and you're banned." Now this was crash site and a standard server which is not classic. KLEEK immediately replied "My bad I didn't know the rules", and "I'm just bouncing around from server to server". This seems like a harmless (and verbatim) reply to diffuse tension. It was replied with " Do it again and I'll bounce you". "This is isn't the first time you been here. Can't you read the rules?"
Really? The guy was seemingly honest and sincere only to be talked down to like a child. When the round was over KLEEK just disappeared and was probably kicked but I have no proof. This is why I am the way I am in part. There are many great servers out there, and as successful as DDD is, I would advise all of you to steer clear. There is biased play and you're continuously under the threat of ban for NO GOOD REASON. I can see why I get persecuted but if I had my druthers, crazy admins like GMAN would cease to exist. I think the community as a whole would be far better served by playing on KICKAZZ, SPYKI, SiTH, EVGA, or CH4NCES servers as there isn't any of the politicking going on. This may seem like a crazy rant by a hacker noob but cmon man do you really wanna play on a server with that kind of stress?