First off, lets get this out in the open, disabling vote kick puts the players at the mercy of the game. If a hacker does come in, the players have no way to eliminate them. This will likely destroy the server for the next few hours from everyone quitting.
Because of rage votes, raise the ratio, the default is 51%, a lot of servers I know use 60% and 67%, some even higher if the game mode is Deathmatch or Hunter. Sometimes jealous players feel the need to votekick the player just cause they are in first place ahead of them.
Give the players ample time to vote, I noticed some servers allow multiple votekicks but only have a very short time to be able to vote. I feel like the default at 60 seconds stays on the screen for far too long. 30-45 seconds is what I recommend.
Give your players some authority, when they vote kick someone make sure that person can't come back (at least not right away). Note, I think I heard the votekick ban time may currently be bugged? Unless it was later fixed. If anyone can comment on this I would be greatful. Just to share, I have my setting at 1440 minutes (24 hours) so when a player gets votekicked they are temporarily banned until the next day.
The vote cooldown. THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT! Most Vote Kick abusers are the same people, calling the same vote kicks on the same person every game. On my server we have an extremely long cooldown time. Around 9 minutes, although you may want to go longer if you are playing with extended time limits or on a game mode like Extraction which is a total of a 15 minute game. I give a 9 minute cooldown on 10 minute long games. This makes it so the rage player can only initiate a votekick once per game. Force the player to call their vote kick wisely, I think this moves the game in the right direction.
Vote kicking svcks, but it is there to serve a purpose, like I said earlier, if it was gone and didn't exist your servers population is at the mercy of whoever steps in their when one of your admins can't be around.
Hopefully these tips will help you to combat vote kick abuse on your server while maintaining the public players ability to vote kick against actual hackers. One thing is for sure, even if your player calls a vote kick on a real hacker and it doesn't pass, chances are someone else will call a vote kick on that hacker, it might go through a few vote kick initiations to get peoples attention, but the general population is not favorable to hackers.
So what have I experienced on my server since using these rules? Well I can tell you that we have stopped seeing the continuous vote kicks on the same players. And if they are consistently being vote kicked (more than once per game) it's an indicator that your audience does not like this player and thinks they are cheating. Which the admin can later deal with whatever they choose to do.