I admit I svck

Post » Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:48 am

Ok so...I FAIL AT CRYSIS 2!!! I lack the ability to achieve any kills. My K/d is woeful. I play on Aussie servers with minimal lag so I can't blame it.
Such moments of fail include:
- I am in armour mode. One bullet that isn't a headshot kills me from a SCAR. I try the same thing and well...I am still dead.
- I get spawn killed. A lot.
- My guns seem to be armed with marshmellows.

All this points to the fact I lack skill. So much in fact I have been accused of losing on purpose and have been told to sell crysis 2 and never play another FPS again.

No...I am not having a good day.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:41 am

Welcome to Noobs Anonymous, mate!

According to your stats, you've played only 22 matches so far and you're level 7 - meaning you are just starting. If you have no extensive prior experience with MP FPS games (and not-that-powerful PC), it's expected you'll not be doing so great.

What's the cure? More cowbell... scratch that, it's playing/training and then some more! Watch some videos of the great players, experiment with suit modules and weapons and find your playstyle.

And if you're concerned about your K/D ratio, stick for a while to the unranked servers, you'll be able to practise there without worrying for your statistics. Check this topic for some good servers, hosting a fine collection of wonderful free custom maps.

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Post » Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:29 pm

Check the ping of other players on the scoreboard. Chances are they're all above 400 ping. Crysis 2 uses client side hit detection.
You do the math.
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:14 pm

I know how do you feel, Crysis 2 is the first FPS I ever player in multiplayer, and it's one of the fastest paced in the market right now... Follow BM's advice. It's also good if you can find some friend to practice a bit.
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:26 am

Crysis 2 is a difficult game (especially with those bugs, and lag). If you like the game, just keep playing.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:16 am

I feel sorry for some of the people you come across in games.

Yesterday I joined a game of Lighthouse TIA, I had just unlocked the Gauss with CELL camo and wanted to take it for a spin. There was only one guy in the game. He was barely moving so I headshotted him. He respawned and I tagged him and headshotted him again.

He was moving real slow so I looked at the scoreboard and saw he was a level 6. Figuring he was a new player I took out the pistol and stalked him. Getting right up to his back in cloak and messing with his head. Then running around him in cloak, Uncloaking and hopping around him. This guy couldn't hit ****. Then another player spawned and started raping him. I got up close with my pistol and let him get a kill. I like to encourage the new players so having them get a few kills stops them from quitting.

Anyhow the match started and I did OK. Got an Orbital and a Ceph. I went 18 - 3 and as the match was ending I remembered the new Bambi so checked the scoreboard. The guy was 0 kills - 15 deaths. I don't like to see that so I was trying to find him in the last seconds so I could run onto his Scar so at least he would get one kill. Alas I couldn't find the guy.

Anyhow, for the new players. Keep at it, eventually you will find experience can make up for poor aim or a slower PC.
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Amy Masters
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Post » Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:34 pm

As I remember my first days I'm always open to practice sessions with new players (I'm not good, my KDR stays below 1). Maybe it would be good to create a list of players that are open to practice sessions with newbies (even for newbies to play together).
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Post » Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:47 pm

- My K/d is woeful
- My guns seem to be armed with marshmellows.

All this points to the fact I lack skill. So much in fact I have been accused of losing on purpose and have been told to sell crysis 2 and never play another FPS again.

You sir made my day. Haven't laughed like that in a while. Image
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Post » Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:35 am

Ok so...I FAIL AT CRYSIS 2!!! I lack the ability to achieve any kills. My K/d is woeful. I play on Aussie servers with minimal lag so I can't blame it.
Such moments of fail include:
- I am in armour mode. One bullet that isn't a headshot kills me from a SCAR. I try the same thing and well...I am still dead.
- I get spawn killed. A lot.
- My guns seem to be armed with marshmellows.

All this points to the fact I lack skill. So much in fact I have been accused of losing on purpose and have been told to sell crysis 2 and never play another FPS again.

No...I am not having a good day.
Hey don't be down on yourself! Almost everyone who is new to this game will get completely DESTROYED by more experienced players. The learning curve in multiplayer is really steep. I went through the exact thing you're going through, simply not understanding why my bullets seemed to do no damage and I would die instantly. It wasn't helped by the fact that there are cheaters going around and back then I couldn't really tell the difference between a cheater or a good player. I consider myself a slow learner, I had well over 8000 deaths before I started to get a hang of the movement and awareness aspect. Not saying you'll have to die that many times :P

But I still don't stand chance against some of the better players who play competitively in clans and have essentially mastered the game.

Be patient, there is no magical solution to become good at this game...you can only get better after playing. A lot. In fact I would say reaching level 50 would only be the first step to becoming a good player (unless you're a genius).
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:18 am

Be patient, there is no magical solution to become good at this game...you can only get better after playing. A lot. In fact I would say reaching level 50 would only be the first step to becoming a good player (unless you're a genius).
True. Around level 50 I BEGAN to svck less.
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Danny Warner
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Post » Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:01 pm

I'll happily help you train. Crysis 2 was the first FPS game I had played in over 7 years (last fps game I played was splitscreen on Ghost Recon 1 on PS2 with my stepdad) and I was horrible when I first started. But it does get better. Joining a clan also helps a lot after you get the basics in. If you need some training, hit me up and I'll see what I can do. :)
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:39 pm

Keep walking. don't camp and listen
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Joey Bel
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Post » Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:31 am

Thanks everyone. Your words have really helped. I used to be a pure pc shooter, now I am 50/50 pc/console. I know I am not the best, but I like to think I am better than half decent. The problem is that the only servers I can get to are Ranked. I'd like to lay some un-ranked to train, except I hear that they are rife with mods and hacks. Crysis is probably my favourite shooter series, I really want to get better. I guess it takes time...or just wait for Crysis 3
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