» Sat May 28, 2011 5:38 pm
Shor doesn't hate elves. He loathes them. I mean, if you take the sense of him being the All-Maker for Nords, the Shor-Who-Goes-Missing, and to be acute (even redundant), he's simply He-Who-Goes-Missing. Any sort of divination towards Lorkhan is purely on the maniacal side, too. In the Flesh and of the Flesh, and to boot, he 'was' the last barrier on the Tonal side to fall, which is impressive given the terminal boundaries of just how many Towers have taken to falling into ruin, especially on the Ehnofex side of things. But he was still there to hatch the world, and hating any elf for it is simply debauchery. He had a rason to turn all Terminator, and it wasn't just because a dev or two smoked a few too many joints one night and found themselves throwing horrid 80's pop-culture references into the middle of an ancient Elvin civilization.