New thread is up anyway.
261 if(hittype)262 if(arrow)263 set npc to getfirstref 69 1264 set arrowbid to 512265 set target to 0266 label 10267 if(npc)268 if(hittype==1)269 if(npc.getsoundplaying "*Hit*")270 set diffX to npc.getpos x - arrowX271 set diffY to npc.getpos y - arrowY272 set arrowDiff to abs diffY + abs diffX273 if(arrowDiff < arrowBid )274 set target to npc275 set arrowbid to arrowdiff276 endif277 endif
378 elseif(arrowLAST != arrowTEMP)379 set arrowLAST to arrowTEMP380 if(arrowLAST.getprojectilesource == player)381 if(arrowLAST.getprojectiletype == 0)382 set arrow to arrowLAST383 set arrowAngle to arrow.getangle z384 set arrowBASE to arrow.getbaseObject385 set arrowtemp to 0386387 set hitframe to 1388 set loop to 0389 label 255390 set item to getnthlevitem loop listARROW391 if(item)392 item.activate player 1393 set loop to loop +1394 goto 255395 endif396 set hitframe to 0397398 endif399 endif400 endif401402 elseif(isformvalid arrow)403 set arrowX to arrow.getpos X404 set arrowY to arrow.getpos Y405 set arrowZ to arrow.getpos Z406 endif407 endif408 end
if(hitlocation == 1);head set scratch to -damage*0.5 target.modav2 health scratch
if(hitlocation == 1);head set scratch to -damage*100 target.modav2 health scratch