I noticed how there is a severe lack of interaction with the developers of this game, esspecialy compared to other popular (and premium priced) mmo's. I find this worrieing because i think that alot of the suggestions and complaits from fans go unheard. Yes, it's probably the most unthankfull job in the gaming industry to be the main spokes-person on twitter or so for a game and directly interact with the often pretty...critical customers, but it's also very important to have that direct feedback if you are truly commited to your product. At the moment it feels like this forum is just a glorified fan-forum, instead of the official channel to talk about ESO. Sure, the moderator's keep it clean and offer some insights when possible, but it requires a bit more to adress issues like the inventory-management and group-loot system. Let alone things like class\ race balance once the game is actually played on max level. I've made some tweets to ESO's twitter account to adress these issues, since that was the only way i could think off (outside of beta testing feedback) that would even reach them and maybe if other people share these concerns and tweeted them aswell there might actually be a response.