Adrianne Avenicci stuck in middle of air

Post » Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:11 pm

Whiterun is getting more buggy as I play the game. Now I have a dead elder dragon just spawning somewhere everytime i enter the city, and I can't make transactions with Adrianne Avenicci since she is away from her War Maiden's forge. She can't move since she's stuck in mid air (4 inches off floor) in front of Breezehome.

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00  Skyrim.esm01  Update.esm02  Skyrim Project Optimization.esm03  3rdEraWeaponsMoS.esm04  SkyMoMod.esm05  SPIKE.esm06  moonpath.esm07  Dawnguard.esm08  Dragonborn.esm09  JSwords.esm0A  HighResTexturePack01.esp0B  HighResTexturePack02.esp0C  HighResTexturePack03.esp0D  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 1.0]0E  HighResTexturePackFix.esp0F  StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp10  hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp11  WeaponsOf3E.esp12  3rdEraWeapMoS-lvlList.esp13  Immersive Weapons.esp14  Improved Dragon Shouts.esp15  Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp16  UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp17  Follower Trap Safety.esp18  Bashed Patch, 0.esp19  MIDFollowMeEvenCloser.esp1A  moonpath_questdata.esp1B  UltimateCombat.esp1C  DeadlyMonsters.esp1D  Improved Dragon Shouts - Dawnguard.esp1E  Better Follower Improvements.esp1F  Horses for followers.esp20  clean_ebony_mail.esp21  DeadlyDragons.esp22  SkyUI.esp23  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp24  prvti_heavyarmory.esp25  rbes enhanced 1st person camera bob - standard.esp26  ultimatedurnehviir.esp
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Elizabeth Davis
Posts: 3406
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Post » Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:22 pm

For the dead dragon, select it with the console (a code [RefID] should pop up on your screen) and then type markfordelete. This should remove the dead dragon from the game.

With Adrienne, you could try leaving the city for 10 (or maybe up to 30 days) and see if she resets back to normal. I have no idea what would be causing this.

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April D. F
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