ADS sensitivity problems in the Beta

Post » Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:19 pm

I just wanted to point this out.

Quite some people, me included, on both PC and consoles have an issue with the ADS (aim-view, Aiming Down Sights) sensitivity being too high compared to the regular "Hip-Fire" sensitivity. It makes it pretty hard to aim accurately at long distance, especially with the bow. Compared with other shooters/games (including Crysis 1 and 2) the Crysis 3 Beta has almost no lowering of the sensitivity when going into ADS.

This does not seem to affect all people the same way, but Crytek has not responded to this except for pointing out that there might be an issue on PC. In fact people from all platforms have reported this, and right now it's for me personally one of the three reasons I am still hesitant to buy the game.

The thing most people would like to see is two separate adjustable sensitivities, one for regular view and one for ADS, but at least a readjustment of the differences between the two, a lowering of the ADS sensitivity. Again, Crytek has not really commented on this, and I for one would like to know if the finished game will have that same problem.

More on that here:
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