Advanced NPCs v1.0
This mod allows NPCs to:
1. greet each other
2. greet you only when you're looking directly at them. NPCs who hate you or like you a lot will greet you as usual.
This mod will affect your framerate in cells with lots of NPCs.
Use console command "startscript anpc_config_script" to bring up the mod's configuration menu. It has following options:
1. "Probability of NPC greeting is 100%" Probability of an NPC greeting another NPC.
2. "Slaves are greeted" Slaves will be greeted by other NPCs.
3. "Greeting distance is 222 game units" Distance at which an NPC greets another NPC. It's checked once a second, so when an NPC runs past another NPC they may ignore each other.
4. "Distance to player is 1111 game units" Distance to player at which an NPC greets another NPC.
5. "Probability of mentioning weather is 30%" Probability of NPCs mentioning weather when they meet outside. Not every weather type has a corresponding voiced dialogue line. Usually they speak about rain and storms.
6. "Low disposition threshhold is 20" NPCs with disposiotion of 20 and lower will greet you as usual.
7. "High disposition threshhold is 80" NPCs with disposiotion of 80 and higher will greet you as usual.
8. "Custom races use imperial voice" Choose voice for custom races.
Known Issues or Bugs
Number of NPCs that are affected by the mod in a single cell ( + 8 surrounding cells if you are outside ) is 30.