I sought Power, I would go to any lengths to attain it, from the highest peaks to the deepest crypts I soaked the power etched into the walls to make my own. and so I walked across the jagged face of Skyrim gathering what ever I came across in terms of power
I came across a man lamenting his descisions and Cowardice, Agreeing to aid him we went into his ancestors burial tomb to recover that whom he let face the dungeon alone. after giving some interesting background pummeling his long dead relatives we came across the fate of his aunt, beaten and battered. he craved revenge, I thought to myself how could he be so cowardly when he effortlessly cut down scores of his decrepid great ancestors what did he possibly fear that he could not stand side by side with his Aunt. further into the Ruin I came to find out exactly what warrents such fear. after the intense battle I found he had survived, and in my eyes redeemed himself of his meek persona, he was obviously shaken and saddend by the ordeal we bid farewell and I left him to tend the Re-dead.
I stumbled across another ruin and entered it post haste expecting more dead to return to the dead, instead an ominous specter stood before me playing a lute, as I approached he turned around and disappeared. I advanced in the dungeon following the Lute player as he guided me what I figured to be my doom, I slew the restless who assailed me and pursued the specter who's existence I intended to wipe from creation. but soon I opened a chamber and came across a sad sight, the specter sat besides a corpse, I looked at the book nearby and suddenly realized a wrong had been commited. It was clear why I was here. I took the book and the specter disappeared and reappeared down a hall. it was time. using the clues provided I solved the puzzle and we entered a grand chamber, corpse sat vigilantly around us and the Specter roared his decree to trounce the deciever, and the Guardians rose in droves...
I walked into the night, the skies clear and the wind cool I was at peace, but that peace did not last long as I was beset upon ghost warriors coming at me in droves. but they weren't ordinary specters...they were...remorseful apologizing for their acts, this only served to annoy me further as they did not hesitate to strike, so neither did I. one by one I parted their spectral bodies into dust ignoring their pleas for forgiveness. your actions are louder than your words. I found they came from a Ruin, my thirst for power erupted and I belined for the ruined, the ghosts went from annoyance to an obstacle and all that stood in my way must be utterly crushed, it started to occur to me as I wandered the internals of the ruin that these warriors were casualties, trophies the ruin brandished along its walls, I would come to find I was very, very wrong. entering a signature chamber, I approached to acquire my quarry...when the floor opened beneath me, and I fell, and Fell landing into a pit of water and corpses... and the one responsible standing right before me.
I would think after my prior ordeal one would be detered from entering these halls of the dead suited only for the dead. but I know no such deterrence, and this adventured seems to be fates way of switching up the game. the crypt was....empty...and cold..not warm and dank like the southern halls..no this one was frozen and barren, my blades knew no use hear for there were no assailants...physically anyway. I say physically because mentally its an all out assault, I was approached by a curious object, a blue sphere. it bounced and danced and I figured it was of no consequence other than just being there....but then...it started following me...and gods be praised it was a distraction...but I ignored it...continuing into the crypt..two more approached...and their light jingling and flurry of movements just compounded, as I delved deeper more came and followed me, making the puzzles harder to concentrate on......soon I was clouded by atleast fifteen of the little buggers, and I completely lost it, I swung I screamed and stomped I ran in circles, I yelled, I exploded and yet they danced unphased by my fury, I could feel my eye twitch, I was willing to leave the Crypt Just because of these...things....but for such a machination their MUST be a great power behind these walls. and my furvor renewed I went deeper still until finally coming across a chair, low and behold a priest rose up, and unleashed a torrent of power on me, with quick movements I was able to dodge most and brush off the rest, trading flame and lightning with steel and fury the room rocked and roared, my yells and battle cries filled the air, the krinkling bones and swirly energy of the priest played in succession...and the blasted little orbs danced around the entire preformance........ Soon the priest was beaten, absolutely no help from the useless little balls...taking his helm as a trophy, a Door opened, and all the spheres screamed out of the room and up an opening through the door....... useless buggers
I trudged in the blinding snow Lydia my lady at ams not far behind, the silhouette of a familiar arch faded into view, as I approached I overheard a conversation. thinking it was bandits my blades unsheathed ready to rend the opposition asunder. I came to find it was a hooded argonian and a Redguard Girl braving the elements just outside the mouth of a Barrow, I acted as if I did not hear their statement of riches, for I really didn't care. Power was what I craved and what better stepping stones to use than the faces of a scaly beast and half wit milk drinker. after some light talk and stinging words we all entered the Barrow, working together to overcome the traps and puzzles of the crypt, when we came to the end the guardian awoke and unleashed his terrible power, I had a feeling the girl would not make it, the Argonian was of might and power I considered him a threat for he knew more than he let on, after a harrowing fight that turned the central crpyt upside down, the slinking reptiles true intent became clear using the power of the guardian for himself, and I a sacrifice. what peace was of me burned quickly into a fit of rage, but as I rose my sword arm and lightning bolt struck my face, I'd have been dead had Lydia not strike the lizard with her furious swing stumbling him over, the Redguard stood helpless utterly confused at her companions actions, I left her no time to collect her thoughts. the Argonian rose to his feet and blasted lydia back into a corner and as he turned all that was seen from his view were my burning eyes as he kneeled to the floor and my two blades across his neck, not another word. Surprisingly his head rolled well for an Argonian, I was not interested in the girls story, I simply soaked the words and left, Lydia in toe, good you didn't die.