I Solarcrest'd and found a Brink poster in my local Wal-Mart. I kinda geeked out. :celebration: In front of my mother. :whistling:
I don't know what to say to this................... :spotted owl:
I am so getting that display by the way thats on teh theft detectors (maybe i will try there some strict rules with advertising and keeping it at walmart)
I went to GameStop yesterday and I saw a pre-order box, a pile of small flyers, and a bit of a preview for BRINK on the GameSpot TV thing.
Bethesda's spreading the word, all right.
they also have patches a Res one a Sec one and a Brink with Ark logo one i got a pack of them so cool
i also asked my friend to put my name down for the brink posters in the window and they said i can get them when they put up the new advertising (begining of June by the sound of it) WHICH IS BOSS it will be hung on my walls beside my AC2 standee of Ezio