advice on birthsign

Post » Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:22 am

Ok so going ahead and creating this charector before I forget his specs.
Fav atr-int and luck
Major-block, alter, long blade, alch, and dest
Minor-medium armor, myst, acro, athle, and sneak

Using dest for my range atks, alteration for opening locks mainly, alch for my health and magic pots, but also to cure stuff and for night eye and invisiblity, and using myst solely for tele to ativate traps and mark and recall.
For most of my dmg im using my trusty long blade.
Im only using abilitys that I can do with my build. I wont use magic that isnt a potion that I created and isnt one of my major or minors. Hell im not even gonna use the bribe option to get peoples disposition up and just gonna rely on personality potions, unless its called for like the ashlanders.

So now im trying to decide on a birthsign. I usually go safe with mage or crazy with alternoch, but wanna do something a bit different. Anyone got any suggestions for a birthsign for my build?
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Post » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:30 am

Well, if you aren't using any misc. skills, then I would advise you to take enchant, which is all magicka skills rolled into one. That way you could trade armorer for one of the 3 magicka skills you have now and you could use speechcraft then too. Keep alchemy.

I always advocate the Lady (with endurance as a favored attribute). The difference between a starting endurance of 30 and one with 65 is that the character with the 30 will have 37 fewer hit points than the one with 65 by the time you max endurance. The 37 health point difference remains for the rest of the game. Also, you won't need extra magicka if you let your enchanted items do the spell casting.
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Post » Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:12 am

Kind of depends an how closely you want to play as though your character's birth sign influenced his/her choices and motivates future choices. I'm biased towards signs that affect one's abilities rather than one-a-day spells. IIRC,the Warrior fortifies attacks, that seems to me always useful, especially because I don't recall if there are ingredients that replicate that effect. But there's also a sign (The Lady that improves personality and endurance, I think. Another one fortifies speed, and the Lover fortifies agility - maybe to dodge things thrown at them by a jilted lover :)
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