Advice for my 2nd playthrough

Post » Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:49 pm

I beat this game a little while ago and got Fallout 3 but I didn't care for it too much (ugh those countless subways :stare: ) so Im about to do my 2nd playthrough of New Vegas (on ps3).

So do you all just start from your earliest save file and do the rest of the quest differently or do you just start from scratch?

On my first playthrough I hate to admit that I had it on easy because I didn't think I would really keep playing the game and forgot to change it back so I just kept it on easy. (Death claws are still hard on easy!!) So should I play on normal difficulty or just go all out and play hard or hardcoe mode? Also I recently found out about the multiple companion glitch so I'm definitely going to use this glitch when the time is right or all the time if Im on a harder level! Will using this glitch mess up my game or cause other bugs?

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claire ley
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Post » Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:55 am

Try starting from scratch and doing everything differently. :)

hardcoe and Hard difficulty together are unforgiving for new\inexperienced Fallout players so stick to Normal unless you're happy to take on a challenge. As for the multiple companion glitch, I'm not a PS3 user so I couldn't tell you how that would work on that platform.
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Naazhe Perezz
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