I'm overhauling my radiant quests in Helgen Reborn into new locations. These are the quests when you evaluate the guards. I am trying to tie them all back into Helgen so if feels more like you're doing things to help the town as opposed to random locations that have nothing to do with Helgen. I currently have a mix of overhauled vanilla locations with new levels added, and brand new custom dungeons. I have 5 pretty much done, but I need advice on my last one. Here's what I have so far:
Mission 1: Brittleshin Pass - Warlock lair, nobody can use the pass due to the Necro's. Completely overhauled vanilla population, and new level added for my target boss.
Misison 2: Shriekwind Bastion - Vampire Lair, causing trouble down on the lake. Completely overhauled vanilla population, and new level added for my target boss.
Mission 3: South/North Skybound watch - Bandit stronghold. The bandit clan that took over Helgen after it was destroyed are pissed that Val and company killed their brothers, and are mustering forces to attack and retake the fort. Kill the boss(es). New level added for boss in South interior and lots of population inside and out! I may put a 2nd boss at the North location, and added lots of population there. Still need to clutter with tents and junk around.
Mission 4: Upper Embershard Mine - Haunted mine with really cool with scripted http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwmxUEH0L2Yby http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZRhw4wNf4sE and myself. Find the source of the haunting and eliminate so the new owner can resume operations.
Mission 5: http://ypdesign.com/skyrim/helgen/dungeon.htm- Some archeologist types were trying to get into the ruin via an underground cave, and woke up whatever was inside. Massive custom Nord ruin and worldspace by Wereta. I'm so proud to have this gem in my mod I'm pinching myself! I has a very unique feel to it, even though it's entirely vanilla.
Mission 6: ???
I'm stuck on 6 right now and don't know what to do. Unless an ambitious level designer wants to help, I'm trying to keep from having to build an entirely new level, and I seriously have too much other stuff to do. So I'd like to find a nice exterior spot somewhere and build an exterior fighting zone like some of the Forsworn type places, with maybe a smallish interior of some type. I'm also thinking about switching the 3rd mission to the last and maybe having bandits attacking Helgen after you clear out Skybound watch. That would leave me with needing a mission to replace number 3.
The real problem is the voice acting. I'm sort of locked in to certain things because I'm, not sure if I can get updated tracks from my actors.