And I got myself into a dilemma when I started to make my new char. I want to play as a mage to join my favorite house, Telvanni, and get my favorite fortress ever. But I usually play with a sort of battle mage, in oblivion and in morrowind. But now with GCD my perspective changed, and I am not sure if I should make a pure mage or a mix that I usually play. I have the dodge mod that makes unarmored useful, but I would miss all the future enchantments on a heavy armor. But if I have heavy armor I should have some major skills that would add strength too, right?
So I was thinking to choose between a high elf, Atronach, Battle Mage, Favorite Attr strength and int, Majors Long Blade, Heavy Armor, destruction, restoration, alteration, Minors Armorer, Conjuration, Alchemy, mysticism, illusion
Or a Breton, Apprentice birthsign, favorite attr strength and willpower with the same majors and minors
Or a high elf, Atronach, mage, with favorite attr intelligence and willpower, Majors Destruction, restoration, conjuration, alteration, alchemy, Minors Enchant, Illusion, Short Blade, Mysticism, Unarmored
The difference that I noticed between the three was that the breton has the smallest amount of magicka, about a quarter of what a pure mage would have, but his magicka regenerates, and also has the advantage of greater armor rating because of the heavy armor. The High elf battle mage has a high amount of magicka, but it doesn't regenerate. The high elf mage has a lot of mana but with no heavy armor I am afraid that I won't enjoy the game, because its satisfactory to get a piece of rare ebony or daedric armor that I could actually use. Extra the battle mages could join and advance in the Fighter Guild and Imperial legion, besides the mage guilds, but I am not sure if I could get far with GCD. Do you know how far I can get with this skill selection?
So what do you think, you people that have a lot more experience with modded morrowind than me? What would be the most fun choice? Or what should I change in my selection?