Anyways, let's get started. Here is what I have so far.
The whole storyline is taking place in a world that's mostly inhabited by a race of beings called Drazi. The Drazi are normally twice as tall as a average human, sometimes a little taller. Asides from the crystal blue eyes, pointy ears, and blue-grey flesh, they have the same muscle build and shape of humans.
The storyline revolves around a group of a specific type of Drazi; they are known as The Chroniclers of Aeons. An Aeonic Chronicler is highly praised within the Drazi civilization. However, the Chroniclers are mostly influenced and or commanded by Drazi leaders known as Prophets and or The High Priests. The prophets are cowards, afraid of losing their power; corrupted by the very power that they control, the prophets keep the chroniclers in check, not allowing them to practice the Four Profane Arts.
Aeons or Aeonic, contrary to what the English definition is, are a specific kind of magic. There are Four main Aeonic magics; these four magics are the Four Profane arts. The other Aeons are the lesser magics that have branched off from the four.
( Well here's the Beginning of the Storyline for a possible mod. )
The storyline itself has a group of Drazi, human, argonian, Khajiit, Orc, and Elven characters that will influence both the World of the Drazi and the world of Tamriel. The main Drazi character is one called Arezil. He is the descendent of a legendary Chronicler called Azi and it is Arezil who carries the legacy of Azi.
I've gotten the beginning idea down.
It starts with ( player ) hearing a rumor. ( of course! xD ) The rumor is of a murder that took place the previous night. ( when the game begins. ) Well upon investigating, it is learned a hidden cult member had been slain and you'll eventually be lead to joining the cult. ( after some amount of quests are completed, you are actually sent to the world of Drazi. ) The ( player ) will then appear, amidst thick jungle or forest, where a ancient or sacred site is. Here you meet, Arezil.
That's what I've got for now. . .. Opinions? Ideas? thoughts? comments?