Imagine a skyrim but where dialogue would exist calling you out for only killing women, (or argonians, etc). Or where you'd actually get yelled at for selling a quest reward you got from a towns folk "That sword has been in our family for three generations and you sold it to belethor?!" Or "Where on earth has all my cookware gone?" after robbing a household. Where people would starve or grumble about how hungry they were if you stole all their food and they were out in a distant guardstation. Better yet, where the guards will get annoyed and desert if you leave them nothing to eat but biscuits and steal the rest. Or people would fight if you took things from two people's house and gave them to each other.
Just a lot of cool little game mechanics that really have no point other than to push the envelope and see how much interactivity you can get with the world.
Ok, back to lurking I go.