I hope you are right :unsure:
Come on, think about it. How would they show were each cell ends and another begins? An invisible wall? A real wall that's in the middle of no where? Do you know how much wall there would have to be in this game to make it work?

Some of the regions are pretty big and having a wall around all of them would not only be impracticle, but would also seprarate the seasonal feel. One moment it would be all snow, and then we'd go through a loading screen to the next region and it would be fall? I just cant see Beth doing that. The regions need to blend into each other, and having a wall separating each would kill the blending, so I don't see it happening.
Not to mention there's a giant gorge running through the left side of skyrim along with a river. How would they separate each cell with rivers flowing through different regions? A flood gate for each and every river, even the minor ones that are little more than creeks? I just can't see it happening.
Edit: Don't quote me Dragonborn1. Nothing is confermed, this is just my view on things.