Doctor says I have no epilepsy. All they said, do not play as long and nothing to be worried about. I guess I need a seizure sadly before anything can be done.

no, no, no. do NOT let up on the doctor. YOU know your body better than they ever will, and if there is something wrong, you can't let them tell you it's all fine.
i tried for eight years to explain that there was something not right with me, and doctors never listened. they just listened to my mom and treated me for ADHD. things got progressively worse, until finally a teacher of mine noticed something was going on. he and the school nurse pushed my parents, my parents pushed the doctors, and FINALLY the doctors did some tests they'd never tried before. long story short, i'd been having absence seizures for years, which was why i couldn't focus on school work, and the ADHD drugs were actually making things much, much worse.
this [censored] happens all the time. DO NOT let up.