I had this problem with Oblivion abit, but thank god it didn't last much and I could play marathon sessions. Samething thing happened again with Fallout 3. I am not shure if it's the game engine or what not, but sometimes I can get light headed or dizzy or even virtigo. Sometimes I can play the game for hours and hours and nothign happens other times, I can only play for 5 minutes and then I have to stop. Now seeing all those beautiful colours, I am worried. I guess I will just have to limit myself to the game which will be sad.
I know some of the things I have to do, not play when tired, lots of light no playing in the dark, play far away, but I can't rememeber them all. So I want to see if there are other people like me. If so, what do you guys do to prepare before a game. What other stuff can I do that I may have forgotten.
Thanks for your time reading this.