The Season of the Yam Festival, September 17th, 2077 in the outsider way.
We have many reasons to be happy, for the fields of our village swell with precious yams. The glistening waters of Lake Volta have been good to us also, for we have caught many fish too. We feast, and sing, and laugh, and dance. Father disapproves of frivolity. He says we must be strong against the challenges that face us. It is almost as if he knows something, something he does no wish to share with the rest of us. It is his right, and I respect it.
September 21st, 2077.
Today we send Okw?n into Accra with the tiaseɛnam...car. He goes to talk to the government about supplying electricity for our village. I do not care about these things. We get by as we always have, although in these times we are in the minority. Most other villages have wires that come from the ground, it supplies them with light and other things. What is wrong with torches? He tells me he will also bring back some rifles for hunting...and for keeping animals of all kinds at bay.
September 27th, 2077.
Change is in the wind, bringing with it an acrid smell and the noses of foreigners. Kwame was digging in one of the new fields today, when his spade stuck through something. When he brought it up the tip was jet black and dripping. Oil. The wells of Nigeria have run dry, but the Americans and the French do not give up, turning West Africa upside down in their search for this lifeblood. We once again send Okw?n into the capital to see what money the foreigners are willing to pay for it. This could make us very rich, or destroy us completely.