All Natural's readme said to "Rebuild your Bashed Patch, selecting “Import Cells” from “All Natural.esp”. Also select “Import Cells” from “All Natural - SI.esp.” & “All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp” if you are using them." I could not figure out how to do this, so I just stuck with the instructions I linked you to above.
I sort of stumbled through as best I could, and I figured worst case scenario was All Natural wouldn't work and I would have to settle for something easier to install. Turns out I was wrong, now Oblivion will not start at all (whether launched through the OBSE loader or the regular Oblivion launcher). I get about a second of black screen when I start it up like it is about to work and then it just disappears and *POOF* I'm back on my desktop.
Can I undo the bashed patch and put things back the way they were when they worked? I'll cross the All Natural bridge when I come to it, I just want Oblivion working again with the mods I had.
What could have caused this problem? Please help!