» Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:05 am
Role playing is as deep as you want it to be.
Many here just use the same roles but switch out weapon skills, some self gimp to make it more of a challange..
Others more in Oblivion and fantasy settings live the role and play with a single character for years.
No ones an expert, and few even play in the same way, anyone who tells you how to play a rpg is not a rpg player imo.
It seems you're looking for a challange in the game, unless you're on a pc there are only a few ways to do so.
Self gimping:
For this try not using the best weapons, try not wearing any armour, not using sneak, don't use the easy healing in combat metheods.
Lower your strength and endurence, don't stick intelligence above 5.
Use melee, don't fast travel, don't use stims at all, don't tag the uber perks..
All these make the game a lot more difficult but require way restrict yourself heavily, many even here can't do this and complain about having to do so..
Widershins routes:
Get the basic weapons, earn a small amount of XP then take on the biggest baddest monsters you can find..
Head north into cazasore, fire gecko, giant scorpion and deathclaw lands, take on fiends at low level..
This is fun, you may not stick with it long term as by level 14+ you can again outfight most things, but for a short time it's fun..
Madoc way, Take the weakest silliest weapon you can find.
Build a super build and then take on an alpha deathclaw with it.