I've never actually blown up Megaton, not even with a reload.
Am I the only one who hasn't tried it yet?
I've never actually blown up Megaton, not even with a reload.
Am I the only one who hasn't tried it yet?
Where can I get this copy of Fallout 3 that had a DC that was actually fun to explore. The only area in the game world that was really interesting to check out was the Mall and some of the surrounding DC ruins. But 80%+ of the game world? Was too damn repetitive and lifeless for me to find fun.
I'm less of a fan of the urban areas, and prefer an interesting surrounding environment to explore. I would like to see one or two huge mostly dead cities to explore, three or four large scale settlements, 8 smaller communities, and a handful of practically solitary homesteads spread out across a large, interesting environment.
Sure, New Vegas didn't meet those desires either. But I felt it came a lot closer and was a lot more interesting to explore. It actually felt lived in.
Haven't all the Fallout games been set in a desert environment?
Nope. Never blew it up for with any character. Couldn't find the narrative sense in it, and I'm just not psychotic enough to do it for "lols."
I think people are forgetting that Obsidian had such little time to develop New Vegas. Yes, it was barren, but it was a labor of love made in only 18 months. What they created is admirable for a dev with little in the way of time and money. The branching story and large amount of quests took up a great amount of time, factions and great worldbuilidng aside.
By the way, Obsidian has shown their great capability in building a great world once the time constraints are gone. Anyone recall Old World Blues? To this day that remains my favorite explorable environment in a video game. People should (and this includes Bethesda) give Obsidian the time that they need to prove themselves. If they give Obsidian the go-ahead to make another then I would like to see at least two and a half years of dev time. (I understand more time would run the risk of it hitting the release of TES 6)
Never did it even on an evil run. Actually I've never finished an evil run since most of fallout 3 evil choices were kind of dumb.
I'm willing to give Obsidian the benefit of a doubt if they don't repeat the bland desert setting of the Mojave.
Washington and Maryland may have been nuked but I wouldn't call the area a desert. The word "desert," to me, implies the west or southwest - places where cacti grow, where there is too little water and too much sun.
But even if you're right and every single Fallout game had been set in a desert, I still wouldn't be interested. I don't like deserts. I don't want to play a video game set in a desert. If Obsidian made a game in a desert setting I would not buy it, simple as that.
It would be a more interesting game if it took place in and around (these are all individual concepts)
> The Boneyard
> Ruins of Phoenix
> Ruins of Seattle (imo the best possibility)
These dense urban areas should give them the flexibility they need to create memorable areas. Remember, Bethesda has an inherent advantage when it comes to building worlds. The East coast is simply better in every way for building a world with things to see and do around every corner. It's dense by nature. Aside from that the East Coast has most of the historic buildings in American history. However, I have faith in Obsidian even if they do another desert environment.
well you can say that for megaton, but one of my biggest gripes was the whole F.E.V. thing for the enclave. Let me kill myself to help my enemy. I'm more lawful evil in such characters anyway though and there really wasn't much of an option in that game.
The only issue with this would be that they would have to directly contradict lore in order for it to be interesting. It would have to take place in the Legion as they undergo great turmoil of some sort. Remember, Legion roads are safe. When it comes to a game that might be boring. All the bandits and wildlife would've been killed long in advance by Legion troops. I always saw this as their biggest redeeming quality in New Vegas, but it would make a game in their territory stale unless some concessions were made.
If they do intend to give Obsidian another shot, they should also give them an extended amount of time to work on it.
This kind of puts NV into a totally different perspective. Even though some of the game world itself is a little bland, NV certainly has a lot going for it. And many ideas have clearly carried over into Fallout 4. And yet, for Obsidian to achieve what they did in such a short amount of time is nothing short of incredible. I'm actually glad you pointed this out, as it also shows that Bethesda knew what the were doing when deciding who they would give the reigns to for an addition to the franchise.
EDIT: and I agree with Motsie about giving them more development time.
That's a very narrow definition of the word that ignores places like the Sahara and Antarctica, but if that's what it implies to you I guess that's that. As a desert rat native to the beauty of the Sonoran Desert, I can't say I'm not a fan of at least my desert, which boasts the most biodiversity of deserts in the country.
I'm wanting Fallout to break out of the Wasteland aesthetic myself. I'd like to see places that have more biodiversity in both flora and fauna. I loved Zion because it was nice to see a place that was actually somewhat verdant, and I'd like to see more of it. That's actually why I'm thinking about places like Kentucky or Montana. Places that probably wouldn't receive too many nukes to completely destroy the ecosystem into the same barren fields we've been crossing for years now, with only Deathclaws and Radscorpions for company.
That was one thing that really gave New Vegas' world the edge for me. Coyotes and other desert life still being around, and the world not being quite as empty and lifeless as the Capital Wasteland. That, combined with the horrifying creations of the Big Empty, which looked at incredibly dangerous fauna and said "How can we make it even more dangerous?"
They nailed so much stuff to the base engine that it crashes/freezes way too often. Personally I hope someone OTHER than Obsidian does the sequal... DICE maybe?
And Obsidian's great capability in building a great world? Dead Money anyone? ICK! Alpha Protocol ARRRRGGHHHHH
Location wise I would love to see New York after the supercritical event AND the bomb. Ghoul City most like...
this debate is kinda pointless unless Obsidian hires WAY more staff they currently up to their eye balls in making tanks for Armoured Warfare http://aw.my.com/us
and only thing they hiring for is Armoured warfare or Pillars of Eternity team so yeah i wouldn't think this ever gonna happen until maybe fallout 5
The story was good but the damned bomb collars... If they had done away with the stupid ARMOURED speakers... I mean, who the frack armours up tannoy speakers. It was just an artificially lazy way of making the game harder. It was just lazy design imho. Tracking down and shooting speakers was fun but I died a bunch because the speaker was armoured. If they had gotten rid of the armoured speakers and let you go back there to explore then the DLC would not have gotten any bad reviews. The story was good, the atmosphere was good. Just some poor decision at Obsidian ruined it.
Yeah, the thing most Fallout players like the most is exploration and the bomb collars were the opposite of that. Oh yeah, and Obsidian are king of the invisible wall too.
lol wut
But absolutely. I would definitely look forward to another Fallout game by Obsidian considering I much prefer New Vegas over Fallout 3. I like RPGs that have more to it than just sight seeing.