- Frequent game lockups
- Corrupted autosave files (that's another gaming history first, especially for consoles)
- Random missing textures
- Slow loadtimes
- Extreme and random drops in frame rate (whether in combat or just sitting still starring at a rock in the mojave)
- Objects that randomly clip or fly off into oblivion for no reason
- Loss of speech options (especially the loss of carvan)
- Frequent screen lockups when purchasing goods in bulk (ammo, etc.)
- plus many other annoying bugs and glitches
So....what is it? What's the excuse? Bethesda......your whole business revolves around making games. You don't make coffee pots or power tools or office supplies.....YOU MAKE GAMES! How can you possible be content with a product this poorly made?
I guess the jokes on me though. Seeing as how I paid full retail price for the game on its launch date. Then I paid full price for all of the DLC up to this point. Heck, I didn't even compalin about the bugs at first. I know how the development process works. Told myself, "ah, they missed something here, but they'll fix it soon". Then I waited for the patches. Patch number one didn't fix a single thing as far as I could tell. Infact, only the latest patch seems to have fixed something. Only took 9 months. I guess the game crashes less often now. I mean, 30 hours in, I've only had 17 crashes and I can still play carvan with No-bark. Lost the caravan option with everyone else. I guess that's better then 1 crash every hour though. I usually consider myself forgiving and patient......but this is ridiculous. If Bethesda was in the business of making powertools instead of software, they would recieve new lawsuits everyday because their power tools would blowup and electricute the people that bought them.
No, this BS has to end. I was going to buy Lonesome Road when it came out. I think I skip that. Of course, we have Skyrim coming out this fall too. Think I'll skip that one as well. Sure, Skyrim looks good so far.....but so did New Vegas and we all know how that turned out. Yep, I'm not a big fan of the Modern Warfare series, but at least Activision can make a game that doesn't crash every hour and I won't have to wait and hope that a future patch can make my game function correctly.
It's sad that its come to this. But money talks and my money says "don't waste me on BS"