And now i checked back to find mad things going on in tamriel, Morrowind destroyed?? ppl talking about references I don't know a thing about :ahhh: (not the thing I expected after playing all games in series xD)
I want to know everything that happened after oblivion, could you give me links to faqs or general sources ? whats love letter and what sermons everyone is talking about?
and whats with morrowind ?? I tried usep wiki but this is all there was about morrowind.
After the Oblivion Crisis, the Nords and Orcs launched attacks from the north. Then, the disappearance of Vivec caused the Ministry of Truth to become unstable. After utilizing the soul of Umbra for his ingenium, Vuhon managed to keep the rock stable. Yet, Umbra managed to escape, causing the rock to crash into Vvardenfell, destroying much of the land and people. After an invasion by the Argonians, the Dunmer were forced to retreat to Solstheim.
I guess I should buy Infernal City but I can't wait until it ships

so plz if theres any info or links share them