After the Dam

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:18 am

What would your Courier do after the Dam and supporting the faction you hold dear?

My Courier would start controlling Vegas and expanding its territories, attacking NCR and Caesar alike with my Securitron army. On weekends, I'll stop by Goodsprings and chat it up with my buddies.
My Legion Courier would do the following:

1. Ask to be the governor of New Vegas and to be the rank of Centurion
2. Shift the Legion raiding parties from slavers to a peacetime police force for the Mojave
3. Convince Caesar that I can be the Mojave Legate and divide the Legion into two parts
4. Put a more friendly face on the Mojave Legion
5. Broker a cease fire with NCR and ready the missiles of the Divide in case they get any ideas
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:53 am

My Courier would get as much as he could out of helping the NCR, then head off North or East and explore :tops:
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:57 am

1. Help Mr. House ensure security of the Vegas regions borders.
2. Improve diplomatic relations with NCR and try to help establish a sort of Post-War RobCo in NCR.
3. Ensure a 'reconstruction' program is brought to Freeside, show the people the basics, make them do the work themselves.
4. Try to establish a Post-War airport at McCarran that travels to Shady Sands.
5. Help Mr. House ensure all of the Vegas region slowly becomes a Pre-War paradise, Securitron ensuring its citizens live safely, free of 'inappropriate' hassles. (IE Deathclaw, Feral Ghoul, hostile Super Mutants, Brotherhood of Steel, Legion saboteurs, and bandits)
6. Relax in Pre-War comfort in the Lucky 38 and slowly go into seclusion for the rest of my days.
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Devils Cheek
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:00 pm

Well my "canon" character would be living in his suite in the 38, let mr house deal with all the crap for a while, he did his part. Also hire alot of prosttutes and buy a crap ton of was a stressful ride after all

After that i'm sure mr. house will have some sort of delivery job, whether its a message of peace for the areas around vegas or a bullet for somebodies head. Crwth is a good courier like that
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:16 pm

After helping the NCR take over the Mojave, my courier would relax and run the Lucky 38 thanks to the "Run the Lucky 38" mod.

Or enter politics. NCR really should get a new president. . .
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:43 am

I always imagine my Courier being politically involved after the Dam.

In the Indie ending I'd help consolidate the gains made at Hoover Dam - secure a treaty with the retreating NCR that abandons their claim to Vegas and the Dam, then use all the respect and goodwill I've personally accumulated throughout the game to canvass the various factions into a Mojave-wide republic. In a House ending I think it goes without saying that House would probably be sending the Courier out to various errands to secure his position. Even in an NCR or Legion ending it's possible to set yourself up as an important local power ala House, but friendly with the new government. Eventually run for the Mojave's Senate seat, or become Caesar's close advisor and right-had man.
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:33 pm

Eh, would depend on what Courier I'm playing as. Though my main courier, Ruin, will:

- Finish off the NCR.
- Help House until New Vegas is stabilized.
- Reforge the Desert Rangers and keep them in line with tradition.
- Have a family and protect the wasteland until his last breath.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:18 am

1.) Run for governor of the State of New Vegas.

2.) Persuade the Kings to just give in and accept NCR annexation like the rest of the region.

3.) Eventually persuade Boomers to do the same.

4.) Help NCR rebuild Freeside, Westide, and Northside. Knock down the walls surrounding the Strip, probably kick everyone out of their casinos.

5.) Personally oversee any and all plant-based experiments.

6.) Go back to Goodsprings and Primm and give everyone energy weapons and proper combat armor, ruining their Old West dynamic.

7.) Get a new radio station up on the air. Alternate between NCR-centered talk radio and bittersweet songs about the future.

8.) Get a solar panel company up and running. The oil is gone, the uranium is finite, there is only one Colorado River, but the sun shows no signs of going anywhere.

9.) Get some FEV from California, spray over the Deathclaws. Wait until they're intelligent enough to negotiate with and try to come to some sort of compromise.

10.) Throw a party and invite everyone in the state. Everyone.

Not necessarily in that order.
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:56 pm

My main character, Dr. Troy Hunter M.D. Ph.D. after helping Mr. House prevail would:

1) Grant amnesty for any and all Enclave personnel and their descendants in NCR territory and offer them a safe home in Vegas.
2) Start using pre-war symbolism, especially the US flag.
3) Finish off the Fiends and any other criminal organizations.
4) Petition House for funds for scientific research, start a lab and settle down. Kick off Hildern with the rest of his NCR buddies, though I woudn't mind Angela Williams to stay as my, ahem, assistant :hubbahubba:
5) Live long and prosper, assist House in managing the scientific progress of Vegas and eventually lock myself up in a stasis chamber like House and wait until my lackeys develop a way to prevent telomere decay and thus biological immortality.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:22 am

after making vegas completely independent he would give them a massive "F*** YOU" and run off into the sunset.
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:52 pm

1. Help Mr. House ensure security of the Vegas regions borders.
2. Improve diplomatic relations with NCR and try to help establish a sort of Post-War RobCo in NCR.
3. Ensure a 'reconstruction' program is brought to Freeside, show the people the basics, make them do the work themselves.
4. Try to establish a Post-War airport at McCarran that travels to Shady Sands.
5. Help Mr. House ensure all of the Vegas region slowly becomes a Pre-War paradise, Securitron ensuring its citizens live safely, free of 'inappropriate' hassles. (IE Deathclaw, Feral Ghoul, hostile Super Mutants, Brotherhood of Steel, Legion saboteurs, and bandits)
6. Relax in Pre-War comfort in the Lucky 38 and slowly go into seclusion for the rest of my days.

Sounds like a plan! :D
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:52 pm

My Courier would get a couple of slave girls, move into the Ultra Luxe and start practicing Latin while being pleasured.
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:20 am

Start building up the Mojave as a nation.
Starting with getting rid of those damned casinos.
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Melung Chan
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:19 am

1. Finish off the Legion by sending the Boomers into their territory.
2. Unify the Mojave by giving each settlement a recognized state.
3. Create an army with the help of the Boomers, Brotherhood of Steel, Super Mutants, and Securitrons.
4. Install diplomatic relations with the NCR, and negotiate terms to prohibit them from annexing the Mojave.
5. Create a system (perhaps Democracy) that will be able to carry on even after I die.
6. (HELIOS One was re-routed to power the full region) Begin to ransom power from Hoover Dam to ensure that my regime remains wealthy.
7. Watch the NCR slowly crumble over the next few decades.
8. Expand my territory, rinse-and-repeat.
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:07 am

Oh yeah! After I died...

Probably groom an heir and get engineers to reverse engineer the stasis chamber. Probably after doing a little bang bang with Willow, I'll get an heir. :) And screw NCR. Shady Sands can get bombed by Powder Ganger remnants after paying them off and giving them military training. Then I'll pin it on Legion.
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ILy- Forver
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:07 am

What would your Courier do after the Dam and supporting the faction you hold dear?

My Courier would start controlling Vegas and expanding its territories, attacking NCR and Caesar alike with my Securitron army. On weekends, I'll stop by Goodsprings and chat it up with my buddies.

LOL. My character would retire with all of the caps I made through out the game and reopen the Luck 38 to make some real money.
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:51 am

My Legion Courier would do the following:

1. Ask to be the governor of New Vegas and to be the rank of Centurion
2. Shift the Legion raiding parties from slavers to a peacetime police force for the Mojave
3. Convince Caesar that I can be the Mojave Legate and divide the Legion into two parts
4. Put a more friendly face on the Mojave Legion
5. Broker a cease fire with NCR and ready the missiles of the Divide in case they get any ideas
I gotta say some of these things are impossible.

My courier, Mr.Johnsson would after taking over Vegas start building a army and take over all of the sourrounding area with it securing the dam and everything with both human soldiers and securitrons to back them up.
Then he would build up more casinos in an attempt to make Vegas better then House made it.
Then he would keep building up armies and reasources and do what NCR couldnt do. Attack those [censored] slaving cannibal imperial wannabes mass murderers across the river and free ALL the slaves.
While doing that just make trips troughout the Mojave to visit and maintain the peace. Also visit the casinos alot to gamble and chat up with the leaders (Especially Swank :) )
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:27 pm

I would create an independent Vegas and with the help of the BoS and enclave remnants, boomers and the mutants of jacobstown wipeout the legion then make a peace treaty with the NRC start my own government have the boomers create new bombers using BoS smarts and enclave training have all the enclave veterans train and recruit new soldiers also work with the brotherhood to create a new breed of power armor I would make the big MT my new Capitol ask all the LDS refugees from Utah to settle here and make a giant sprawling civelasation based on the coexistence of science religion military strength and hopefully create new medical equipment and ask the FOTA to come and open a clinic what of the super mutants you may ask? Create a super mutant power armor akin to the set fo2 and use those fine creatures as my bodyguards/ enforcers. Oh and give muggy all the mugs he wants and make my toaster a super canon in case the NCR gets frisky :D
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:43 pm

Prepare for the tunnelers that has been said to eventually reach the mojave
1.use my newly aquired personal securitron army to round up fiends and send them to Big mt for some brainwork to become part of my army some research on the hologram tech in Big mt for more hitting power in my army (hologram projector backpacks anyone?)
3.set up bases along trade routes for additional caravan protection with the brotherhood to revive eyebot production and thus more wasteland security
5.fortify the weak towns
6.start a better pure water trade system (the dam is now mine so clean water is pretty much my business)
7.unite the brotherhood with the NCR to help police the mojave
pretty much all this, secure, unite, fortify and ready the mojave for when infestation day comes and afterwards work to extend trade routes further out the lands
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:12 pm

Prepare for the tunnelers that has been said to eventually reach the mojave
1.use my newly aquired personal securitron army to round up fiends and send them to Big mt for some brainwork to become part of my army some research on the hologram tech in Big mt for more hitting power in my army (hologram projector backpacks anyone?)
3.set up bases along trade routes for additional caravan protection with the brotherhood to revive eyebot production and thus more wasteland security
5.fortify the weak towns
6.start a better pure water trade system (the dam is now mine so clean water is pretty much my business)
7.unite the brotherhood with the NCR to help police the mojave
pretty much all this, secure, unite, fortify and ready the mojave for when infestation day comes and afterwards work to extend trade routes further out the lands

Sounds good :foodndrink:
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:32 pm

Cat McClaw would first of all try to convince Ulysses to help her build a Nation! :)

1. Work with the Followers, Kings, Garrets to turn Freeside into a thriving community
2. Install some of the BoS members in the Helio's Plant, to oversee the power distribution and any repairs that are needed.
3. Grow the caravan business and establish secure trade routes between the cities of the Mojave
4. Rebuild Boulder City, which will become an important trading hub, with it being near the Dam
5. Re-open the road across the Dam, so trade can flow more freely and travel times are cut in half
6. Establish a banking system
7. Garrison the various NCR outposts with Securitrons
8. Try to mend relations with NCR and Rangers, to prepare for the return of the Legion
9. Rebuild and settle the various towns
10. Marry Ulysses! <3 awwwwww hahahaha
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:14 pm

After the battle at the Dam, my courier will start to get the technology ready at the Big MT so he can become a machine god like House.
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