Hi all here is the problem I had all the same problems like every one else flicker, flash, no crossfire support, MP+ now after update 1.2 cf works but game crashes 5 to 10 min in and takes my sys with it (crash reboot) disabeled cf still crash reboot here is the thing tho 36 games installed all play fine only crash is crysis 2 Why.
Well some things to consider. Its hard to pin down your issue with the supplied information so its a process.
1.) Maker sure you have all the latest updates for you computer -get latest catalyst right now thats 11.3 with CAP1 -update all of your drivers to the latest you can find that are meant for your components. Everything including mouse, keyboard ect. For instance Logitechs hardware often don't find that there using the autoupdate features of software so check each and every one of your components it may just be an old or bad driver that is having some conflict and crapping out your machine -do windows update -use Secunia PSI to find other vulnerable and out of date programs on your machine
2.) Make sure heat or bad components are not an issue for you. -When did you last clean your machine? Dust and hair can build up rapidly especially if you smoke indoors or have pets. Make sure heat is not the issue for you. Turn off your machine open it up and look if that won't void your warranty I'm guessing you built your machine so that shouldn't be an issue. All of these "recommendations" are at your own risk I'm not responsible if you break your machine following my advice. -start your machine up are all of the fans working properly? It could be the case that your other games are pushing your machine as hard as C2 so when it starts up the heat builds until you have a crash. -is your PSU powerful enough to push your system at full load? Some crappy PSU's do not stay within spec and do not supply the amount of power they say they do. Find a review of your PSU from a reputable source. I often use HardOCP as well as some others because they do extensive testing on PSU's when they review them. -another thing to check is whether or not your memory modules are ok. I've seen weird issues with just slightly mis-slotted memory leads to an issue as well as oxidation of the copper connects. Some oxidation on copper connections can be fixed by using canned air to clean out the memory slot as well as using an eraser to scrub the connects then blowing them off with air. I know it sounds weird but I had a friend who had a module that was giving him fits sporatically and that trick worked to make the module 100% workable again.
3.) Is there a corruption issue? - run a checkdisk scan in to see if there's any corruption on your hard drive. if there is it may automatically fix it or you may be left with some files that couldn't be fixed wich will have to be reinstalled/replaced I'll let you figure out how to do that if that is the case. -run a sfcscan in windows to check windows for missing or corrupt windows files. Again it may automatically be able to fix a problem or maybe not. I'll try to help you if you PM me next time I'm on if you run into issues. Good luck