» Sat May 28, 2011 12:12 am
Name: Dar'Ko
Age: 26
Race: Khajiit
Gender: Male
Rank: Slave
Appearance: As a slave, Dar'Ko has a very lean body, not being fed very often. Most of what muscle he has is in his legs, being a khajiit, with little in his upper body. His fur is sand-colored and his eyes are a deep green. Both of his ears are pierced with bronze rings (1 in left ear, 2 in the right).
Personality: With a rather devious personality, Dar'Ko is hardly fit to be a slave. He acts lazy only because it's unbecoming of a slave, yet he actually likes being a slave because it's entertaining. When he's not entertained, he doesn't care and when he doesn't care, he lashes out at those around him. Typically though, as long as there is a challenge in something he's entertained and few see his bad side.
Class: Slave (Miner)
Class Description: As a slave miner, Dar'Ko works in the ruins to supply Drothan's army with ore to build weapons and armor as well as to search for Mehrunes Razor. Although, he hardly ever actually does any work.
- Slice of bread
- Tanned cloth pants reaching down to his ankles
- A pickaxe
- An empty brown bag (kind of like a coin purse)
Bio: Growing up in Senchal, Elsweyr, Dar'Ko was encouraged by his parents to participate in the art of thievery and deception. However, the khajiit grew tired of this art quickly and could care less about wealth and his own standard of living. Rather, he strove to cure his own boredom which continues to eat away at him to this day like a parasite. He found books to be a temporary relief. He grew addicted to learning what he could as he found that no book was the same as another in the information that it provided. But, Senchal being a port for the black market and books not being a particularly popular commodity, he found that he would be forced to travel away from home to find more books.
Sneaking onto a slave trader's ship, the khajiit headed off for Morrowind. On the voyage there, the stowaway was discovered and forced into slavery. At first, he hated his life. The slave traders forced him to do mundane task, fetching loaves of bread, mopping the deck. But when he was eventually sold to a Telvanni mage, he found that as that mage's slave, he was learning more information than books could provide from first-hand experience. It was at that point that Dar'Ko grew to like being a slave, it offered him opportunities to learn and experience things he could have never imagined. As well, there was always the constant "game" between master and slave. The slave would look for an opportunity to escape and the master would attempt to prevent such an escape.
After winning this game against his Telvanni master, the khajiit walked right into another slave trader camp a bit further south purposely. It was soon after that the traders at this camp sold him to Drothan, who soon put him to work in his mines in an attempt to find Mehrunes Razor.
IC: A violent, hacking cough escaped Dar'Ko, forcing him to leave his pickaxe stuck in the ground for a moment so he could clutch his aching chest while covering up his cough.
"You all right there friend?" another miner asked, putting one gentle hand on his shoulder.
"It's this accursed branch of the mines! Having us dig up iron is one thing, but coal?!" the khajiit exclaimed, angrily, shrugging the fellow slave's hand off of his shoulder.
"But how else are we going to get our fires?" inquired the other slave
"Rub sticks together, make friction, This one doesn't care! It's better than giving us black lung by forcing us to dig up coal for them!" he raged.
Figuring it best not to bother the angry khajiit, the other slave left it at that and continued to do his job. Realizing he had overreacted to the fellow slave's words, Dar'Ko sought to change the subject. Looking for something to make a remark about, he noticed his pickaxe still lay stuck in the ground.
"How long until that patrol comes to check on us?" inquired the khajiit.
"About two minutes, why?" asked the other slave.
"That's two minutes of rest we've been given." chuckled the cat.
Ever since he'd become a slave, it had been the khajiit's goal to do as little work as possible, to break as many rules as he could get away with. He found the best way to break these rules was to have a information. Slaves were treated as if they were part of the background so Dar'Ko figured that slaves were some of the best spies around. Typically, information from one slave would pass to all the other slaves through word of mouth. With the information gathered by this slave chain, the khajiit had a valuable bargaining chip. Several times he'd gotten out of work by threatening guards that he'd spill out some secret information, or sometimes he'd give them information about someone else in return for a day off. Truly, he was a lazy slave.
So, with a whole two minutes of free time, the khajiit slumped down against the wall and shut his eyes for a moment. He trusted if he fell asleep, the fellow slave would awaken him so as not to get caught by the patrols.