As the Imperial surveyed the room, he noticed that the Lieutenant was not yet there. Dammit where in Oblivion is he! He thought angrily as his right side twitched naturally. Ladin needed to be with them, his swordsmanship would be invaluable right now. He's not a skirmisher, but a front line soldier. Salvius couldn't give a damn if the Argonian was a commanding officer he still needed to fight in the thick of things, whether he liked it or not. In fact the only soldiers who should still be outside are Garath and a few other men, protecting the rear and alarming the platoon of traps from behind.
Salvius could hear a faint, squeeking noise near by, along with the smell of urine. He looked down to see a little scruffy mouse peeing on his gauntlet. The Imperial almost yelped in the suprise, but thankfully held it in. ''Go on get outta' hear.'' Salvius spoke down to the rodent almost without noise, as he pushed the little thing away. Eventually, John started to play his act, and very well in fact. He should of pursued a career in acting instead, might of done him some good. As the tall Imperial pretended he was an innocent traveller, the vampires slowly started to show themselves. Only a small amount emerged from the gloomy shadows. They appeared crudely, hunched over but still wearing clothing and some even cheap armour, as well as wielding weapons. The sight was absoloutly lurid, vile and a complete eye sore to say the least. The creatures made sinister screeches, that could destory a weak man's soul from his body, and send it to the darkness known as the void.
The vampires started sprinting towards John with extreme momentum and speed, just the look on their faces made it clear they lusted for mortal blood. Fortunately, John smashed the smoke potion of light to the ground promply and in almost perfect timing. The vampires shielded themselves from the scintilating light, some even fell down. The archers capatilized on this, shooting their arrows with precision. The bolts sailed through the air gracefully, hitting true. The first wave of creatures were down, but more started appear from the depths. The marksmen wouldn't have time to hit this group, they moved to fast for them. It was time for Salvius to do what he felt was destined of him. It was time for war.
''Arkay take you!'' Salvius clamoured his battle cry loudly, to show his determination to destroy the vampires. He had his target in sight, but it seemed before he could take the beast unnoticed, it had turned sharply. For a second or two, the enemies circled each other. The Sergeant was waiting for his foe to make the first move, as he always did. The vampire looked weaker then his comrades, but looked just as savage. The Imperial knew to take this as an advantage. It was clear the creature had given in, it tried to ram him, rushing crazily at Salvius. The attack was simple enough to defend, Sergeant guilessly forced his the spike on the shield fowards into the vampire's chest. It wouldn't kill him as the bones would stop any penetration into the lungs. However it would stun the creature temporarily. It seemed that the skewer had got stuck slightly, at first this appears bad, but it caused the vampire to endure emmense pain. It started fidgiting and struggeling for freedom. Salvius would not let that happen, he forced his blade upwards under the the ribcage and chest. Punturing the respiratory organ, resulting in the beast to fall without breath. Causing the shield and sword to come out also. ''And stay down!'' Salvius screamed to the corpse, spitting on it in the process.
The amount of battle going on in the room would suggest that this was only the beginning. Salvius stood back from the fray to recover his breath. He watched on. However sadness engulfed him and tears formed around his eyes as the Imperial caught sight of a soldier fall to a vampire impaling him from behind. Before he could do anything, a Legion got revenge by forcing a blade straight through the creature's neck, once again from behind. This made Salvius realise that he had to get back into the battle immediatly.
Before the Sergeant could do anything, he heard and commotion going on by the door, however no-one was there. They must be outside! Salvius thought, recognizing the trap and readying his blade. Before he could warn the men, Skirmisher Garath came rushing through the door shouting at the top of his voice.
''Dammit!'' Salvius clamoured loudly, as Garath came sprinting through the door with Ladin. Several vampires pursued them and were closing in. The Lieutenant took one, but they'd need more aid. After a quick prayer in his mind, Salvius took out his hidden knife from his boot. He was never a good marksman, the Nine would need to be with him on this one. He launched the knife dead straight, and luckily, pierced through the vampire's throat. It gargled prefousily as blood started to bubble around the target hit and eventually, its eyes rolled back and the body fell lifelessly. Once again Salvius spat on his fallen enemy.
The Imperial had a good mind to know everyone was inside, although he wasn't certain. But he could not go back outside, it would only waste time. Whilst looking for a target, a leviathan sized figure came propelling himself towards Salvius at high velocity, mouth wide open and looking for blood. It must of been at least seven feet tall. Definatly the largest physique in the room. Sergeant was strong, but was not some kind of super human. Before the Imperial could react, the enormous vampire rammed his frame into him, consequently Salvius' body went flying away, hitting a rock as he fell. However the adrenaline flowing in his body allowed Nikotias to partially disperse the pain. The potion allowed extra agility, giving him the ability to leap back up onto his feet. The behemoth lumbered towards Salvius, giving the soldier time to recover his fighting stance. He knew that only that most powerful blow mustered would harm this thing, the Imperial pulled back his sword behind his head, tightening his grip. Sal used his legs to shift all the body weight he had foward into the swing, the blade advanced through the air at terrific speed, it would appear that the blow would be fatal to the vampire. His winning smile vanished as the vampire caught hold of Salvius' wrist. How the hell! He was in utter shock, it must of been impossible for a man, mer, beast or vampire to have such reactions.
The vampire wrenched the Imperial's wrist violently, causing the blade to drop to the stone cold floor. The two were now in a battle for pure and raw physical strength. Salvius stared with a face of hatred and vengance, think of Skellan. The creature stared back with nothing but hunger, before actually speaking real Cyrodilic words. ''Stuuupid f***ing mortal!'' With that he lifted the Sergeant by his arms and threw him to the ground with amazing power. Salvius' head and upper back connected with the cave floor, stunning him. However dust and sediment rose and fell into his eyes, blinding and hindering his sight.
''Gah!!! I can't see! By the Nine I'm blind! Someone help!'' He cried in antagonizing pain. Rarely would Salvius beg for assitance like this, but he needed to be alive. To help the group and to avenge his men. There was no way he would want to go out now.
The vampire towered himself over Sal, he picked up a heavy warhammer from the floor. It began to slowly descent downwards. If nobody helped Salvius now, he would be gone.
OOC: Yeah I played Oblivion of course, but I don't think you mentioned about them being able to be outside in your post. But no matter, it's a good thing, it helped improve my post