Salvius felt a little bad, from the look on Ferrus' face it seems he must of been sadened from what he said to him. Nonetheless what the Captain replied with was perfectly understandable, the man just wanted to boost the soldier's confidence but for whatever reason the Imperial saw differently, he saw complacecency and sometimes but very rarely arrogance. However now that the Captain spoke to Salvius about why he did it, the Sergeant changed his mind. He felt a fool not to understand why Ferman sometimes acted the way he did and would no longer judge him that way. Even though he was a strong worshipper of the Nine Divines, the Captain was right. Salvius was never one for superstition, instead he believed that the gods guide your ways depending on how you act, but not that they decide what will happen. If a man dies it is for certain reasons, not because the Nine felt it should be.
Why would the gods want Skellan to die? Salvius thought shaking his head in sadness. There truely was no reason for the man to die, in fact if he was alive then the squad would have a better chance of defeating the hideous vampires.
It appeared that the Captain wanted to make one more speech. However this time it was more serious, but in Salvius mind much more inspirational, beautiful even. It was that well spoken. Although in a humourous kind of way, it did make the Sergeant laugh a little how the Captain based his speech on what he was just told to him. But it didn't matter, it would still get the soldiers in the mood. As Ferrus preached his words, Salvius stood up respectfully, nodding his head and even quietly clapping at certain parts. It seemed that during the speech that the recruits and other soldiers such as William, seemed a lot more confident. Some were also standing up showing their respects. Obviously the speech was working and Salvius could only encourage Ferman to keep on going. Although, sadly, what happened next was not something anyone needed right now, and would make things worse again. The Captain had injured his Hip, but this time seriously. He had passed out, out cold. Being the highest ranking officer in the room, Salvius took control. He looked around and saw thankfully the healer Zhan was in the room.
''You! Zhan, fix up the Captain! Do anything you can to keep him well and try wake him up if you can. And Will, stop the others from panicking, and if Zhan needs help, you help him dammit! I'll fetch the Lieutenant. Just hold on!'' With that said, Salvius gracefully sprinted up the stairs to to where Ladin was situated. He felt bad for being so shouty towards Zhan and Will, but he had no choice.
''Ladin! Lieutenant Ladin! There has been an injury, the Captains down! No time to explain lets just get to the training room, pronto!'' The two rushed back down to the room, where Ferrus was still out. As the Sergeant and Lieutenant stood over Ferman's body, Salvius had a bad thought, but it was true. He turned back to Ladin. ''Sir I think we'll have to call the raid off, we can't do it without the Captain. Shall I tell the men? Or instead do you want to lead the battle yourself?''
Salvius awaited a reply for the Lieutenat, and for the first time in ages, he actually started to get worried himself.
OOC: Well I'm off to college now, can we please not rush too far? Thanks, see you later
