OOC: erh, sorry to ask, but when did John enter the cave? Please, consider that this is a written RP, and so we can wait one or two, (or even more), days between each of our posts. Give as many members as possible the chance to write something. As far as myself am concerned, I am perfectly happy to let this RP go on for a few months.
Oh, btw, this is vampires we are fighting, not a mob of foolish fanatics. Be careful

IC: Garath was amazed... amazed that nobody seemed to consider an illusionary rock. Amazed that they made so much noise...
Standing in the shadow of a tree he sighed and shook his head a bit as the legionaires ran carelessly into the cave, and going after the sounds of metal againts metal and a few screams and shouts, enganged with the vampires.
Deciding after a few moments he should be doing his job, scanning for possible stragglers, he turned his head slightly around... and froze. He could see bushes rustle and move farther into the forest. Normally he would have shrugged it off as an animal, but most animals did not leave bushes rustling for several yards.
Focusing his eyes, he could see glints of metal, and here and there, dark shapes moving.
Taking a moment to decide what to do, he estimated the distance left to the fighting legionaires. Too long! the ambushers would be right on his heels!
Drawing in his breath, he spun into motion, he sprinted towwards the legionaires while drawing one of his daggers with his left hand and 3 throwing knives in his right. He heard cries of surprise and anger behind him, and looking back he saw several vampires, jaws wide open, running with all they had after him. A part of him noticed their skin giving of a faint trail of smoke.
Curious, he thought.
"AMBUSH!" he then screamed at the top of his lungs, praying enough of the Imperial soldiers would notice the danger in time.
Another look behind him showed that the vampires were closing in with frightening speed. Would he reach his comrades in time, or be overrun by the mob?
With a leap he spun 360degrees around and sent one of his knives spinning towards the vampires. As he ran on, he heard a satisfying grunt. Hopefully the hit had been fatal, but he doubted it. Vampires were not easily brought down...