Age of Tyranny

Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:43 am

His ears flicked as he watched the captain convulse and passed out. He quickly put the sphere down and went to the captains aide before he got there however the man seemed to wake up and crawl up to the bench. He sighed, shaking his head "Captain your not going anywhere. I could care less if your feeling better. Especially if this isn't the first time something like this has happened. you are staying here. Having that while fighting creatures who's strength, speed and perceptions are greater than ours you have a much higher chance of dieing." he said in a rather blunt and to the point tone.
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:39 pm

The Captain stood, nursing his hip. "It was a long time ago.. My hip got injured in a fight. Now every once in a while it aches.. But it hasn't happened in the whole two months we've been here. Trust me, my friend. I can go to this cave. No.. I WILL go to this cave," he said defiantly. "Quit staring get back to your benches or whatever you were doing!" he said, waving away the men. He pulled Zhan to the side.

"I was meaning to tell you and Tor about this long ago but it was embarrassing.. You most likely can't heal it. I didn't want to waste your time.. But please, I know what I'm doing. I've spent eleven years in the Legion I think I can handle myself," he explained.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:20 pm

He nodded "I can understand the embaressment behind it however you shouldn't need to hide something from me. What goes on between myself and my patients always stays between me and them. Noone else knows about it." he sat down on the bench and looked up at the captain " I am going to need the details of how this wound was inflicted, how long you have had it and such. So I can go through many of my treatments to get a suitable one for you. As there are never always the cure all spell or potion." he rubbed his ear alittle "My advice is to not go to the cave. But if you are as stubborn as you seem to be then I can't do much to stop you." he added looking over at the other soldiers.

ooc: Please wait for me before going to the cave. Dont rush the rp :3
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Kari Depp
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:08 am

"Well.. It was three years ago when I was serving under General Currux before he got killed at the Siege on Anvil. It was when the defenders were holding a stand outside of the countdom. A Wood Elf darted under my guard and tripped me. His Redguard comrade swung a heavy four-bladed mace into my hip. It fractured the bone and caused muscle and nerve damage.. I don't know if you can do anything for it... But it'd be a lifesaver, maybe literally. And yes I am going to the cave. If I don't, my men would doubt my abilities. I hope you understand," he finished, looking shamefully at the Khajiit.

He raised himself off the bench and walked towards a sparring line. "Any o' you man 'nuff to spar with your ol' Captain?" he offered to no one in particular, unsheathing one of his cutlasses.
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:08 am

After being extremely worried, Salvius breathed a heavy sigh of relief when the Captain rolled himself over. Showing he was awake. He was going to help him up, but Ferrus seemed capabale doing it himself thankfully, making it evident that the injury wasn't too servere. Before anyone did anything, Ferman ordered the men to calm down and not to worry, the Sergeant had seen the Captain limp sometimes on his hip, but he never thought it was anything serious until just now. However the way Ferrus tried to calm his men made it appearant that he had attacks like this before. It worried Salvius about the man's health. Can he really fight these vampires? He thought, whilst taking a look at his superior's hip. But he left the complex work to Zhan, he was a master at figuring out soruces of pain. It did actually make Salvius pity the Captain slightly. The Imperial had no problem telling the healer of his medical problem, and no-one was really bothered about it. On the other hand Ferman seemed embarresed about his problem, even if it was not his fault. He shouldn't be hiding this from us. Although with this said, the Captain seemed perfectly fine after shaking and streching his hip. Salvius was suprised for someone to have such a good recovery rate, maybe the cells in Elve's repaired and healed quicker? The Sergeant was not going to strain his mind thinking about it.

The healer Zhan tried to insist that Ferrus not go anywhere, but it seemed he was much too eager to stay around. And Salvius was not going to feel sorry for him, he had to battle with a permantly injured knee so the Captain should fight with his bad hip, it would be unhonourable to make your forces fight without doing so yourself. However, Zhan did still have a point, it would be dangerous to fight vampires in such conditions if the collapse was a first time injury. Salvius listened to Ferrus' story carefully, it was quite heroic actually. To take that much pain and still come out alive, personally the Imperial would be proud to tell such a story and would let everyone know it. The Captain thought different obviously.

Even though Zhan was an expert and wanted the Captain to stay away from the cave, Salvius agreed with Ferrus still, without him the men would be lost on everything. Including fighting ability, leadership, tactics and morale. Overall, a recipe for disaster. Besides knowing his conditon, the men would take care of the Captain and try to keep him out of harms way as much as possible. The Sergeant decided to make that clear to the khajit, to ease his nerves a little.

''Zhan buddy, no need to worry. We'll keep him out of danger, he'll be back in one piece.'' Salvius spoke calmly, winking in the process. Suddenly, the Captain stood up among the men and challenged anyone to a duel.

"Any o' you man 'nuff to spar with your ol' Captain?" It was clear to Sal that Ferrus just wanted to prove to the soldiers that he could still fight even with the injury. The Imperial thought it was a great idea personally. However there seemed to be no takers, he offered himself.

''Haha! C'mon then Cap'n, lets do this!'' Salvius spoke with a friendly laugh, he then leaned in closer to the Captain and started to whisper. ''I think us having a friendly duel will be a bit 'a fun more the men, I'll let you win as well.'' With that the Sergeant stepped back, unsheathing his practice blade. The soldiers and even the younger more nervous recruits started to cheer, excited for the sparing match. Well this will be some fun for 'em lot, Salvius thought, still smiling. It was likely that a lot of the men would die in the raid, so they may as well go out on a bit of fun.

Salvius stepped on to his sparring line, awaiting for Ferrus to make the first move. He was still laughing, it was that much fun. Everybody, even the likes of John deserved to watch this little spectacle.
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:44 pm

"Alright my friend... But I must warn you. The Argonians back in Currux's legion didn't call me Strongblade for nothing," shouted Ferrus playfull, and darted in with a dull practice sword. The weight was mediocre, a bit too heavy in the handle; too light in the blade. It would have to do for now; he couldn't duel with his cutlasses lest he injure his Sergeant. He swung in from the left, two handed. He pushed on the handle, not the blade, for a more balanced swing. He planned to shift the weight to the blade at the last second, if that moment came. The sword was in midswing now heading towards the Sergeant's thigh.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:18 am

Salvius examined the practice blade, it was different from Ferrus' so it would need to be handled differently. Overall it was heavy all around which is sometimes difficult to use, but the Imperial had a strong enough arm. However it wasn't actually sharp enough or well repaired to do much damage to someone heavily armoured enemy. Even though it was a longsword, the blade was still too long to be controlled for his tastes.

"Alright my friend... But I must warn you. The Argonians back in Currux's legion didn't call me Strongblade for nothing." The Captain cheered playfully

''Oh really? Well they didn't call me the err um... Awesome sword slinger for nothing either! Yeah!'' Even though it was obviously a joke, Salvius actually wished he had a cool nickname like Ferrus did.

The Captain made a lumbering two-handed swing to Salvius' thigh, it appeared to be easily blocked but he didn't know Ferrus intended to change his attack on the last second. The Sergeant decided to block Ferman's attack quickly, not wanting to wait for his swing to reach, hoping it would catch the Dunmer off guard. Salvius held his blade horizontaly at a straight 180 degree line with two hands. He proceeded to push his blade into the Captain's. It locked the two swords together and the two soldiers were now pretty much in a battle for strength, which was probably the only thing Salvius was superior to Ferrus in, but definatly not speed. The Sergeant shifted the weight towards the right, leaving the Captain's left side open. In a normal fight Salvius would kick or punch his enemy on this situation, but that was not the point of this friendly duel.

Salvius used his stronger arms and build to force the Captain down, however he promised to let Ferrus win so eased off the force. With that Ferman was able to push himself back to equal balance. The two continued to lock on to each other. Once again Salvius would wait for his opponent to make the next move, it was part of his fighting style. He would wait for the enemy to make a move and then use his strength to block and make a fearsome blow. It wasn't full proof and against quick fighters it wasn't an amazing tactic, but it worked often enough and he was in no mood to change it.

OOC: Sorry for the slight character control in this post, but if I didn't we would be go on forever describing only small movements so I felt it necessary. Feel free to do the same. And I recommend you use Ferrus' better speed as I have used my superior strength :).
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Post » Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:55 pm

OOC: It's chill :D I see what you mean.

Ferrus leaned into his sword, then he nimbly let his blade slide down from Sal's and dropped to the floor. Sal's blade soared over the Captain's head, and impacted on the ground behind Ferrus. Manus rolled, and came up behind Salvius. He held the sword to the nape of Sal's neck.

"It seems I have won, friend.. A good duel, you did well," he said, spitting a wad of saliva into the spit-jar. "Thanks for letting me win, mate," he whispered so no one else would hear, then he walked over and sat on the bench, taking a chug out of his flask. "Egh I see you fetched Ladin and the cat Halbari.. Ladin I assume you told Halb of the plans. Now.. What are we waitng fo--" the Captain was interrupted by the Legionnaire Cirroc. The man was begging to come on the mission, to prove himself to the force. The Captain accepted, and patted him on the shoulder in a fatherly way. "We march, now! We march for the cave! Will.. Lead us there, my friend.. Lead us to the darkness that we shall make light! Lead us to avenge the souls of our lost!"

"Garath.. I actually need you to come on this mission. You are an exceptional skirmisher and I need you to protect the rear if a lone vampire gets behind us.. Now come! We march to Glory!" he shouted, Will leading the into the exit hall.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:38 am

Garath woke up to the sound of metal against metal. In a flash, he leapt off his bed, grasping after his knive... before he took in the situation. Sending a small curse at rude awakener, he quickly got dressed and went to the dininghall. He sat eating in silence, and for the rest of the day simply walked around, and when summoned by the cap'tn, silently joined the small mob of people.
He watched silently and with some amusemant as the fake duel took place (Sal had a good chance at winning, but hesitated just a bit) and then, when the captain told them to move out and told him to watch the rear he simply nodded, and quickly went outside with a small sigh on his lips. Finally! It had been all too long since he had blood on his hands, and his daggers screamed for blood with increasing strenght for each day.

Tugging his dark cloak around himself, he walked into the forest, a bit away from the rest, to protect the flanks. In addition to his cloak he magically drew some shadows around himself, blurring his movements a bit.

Well, he thought, at least with me we have a small chance of not being ambushed in our ambush, before chuckling silently for himself, all the while searching for anything hostile that might threathen the legionaires.

OOC: try not to move so slow... 80 posts, covering rising up, eating and planning/briefing is too slow. Some action is needed.
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:32 am

The Captain's blinding speed caught Salvius completey off guard, he fumbeled foward clumbsily and didn't even see the Captain come up behind him.

"It seems I have won, friend.. A good duel, you did well. Thanks for letting me win, mate." Even though the Sergeant did technically let Ferrus win, the Dunmer's last move was completely unexpected and in a real fight, would of been an outstandinly clever move. However if he used his full strength, the Imperial felt he could of taken him.

''Heh, no problem my friend. You still got it in you thats for damn sure!'' Salvius ended his sentance with a wink. He then turned to the crowd watching the duel. ''Give up another round of applause for Captin Ferrus!'' The men errupted, you could almost feel the vibrations. It truely was a beautiful sight to see a group of soldiers cheering for one an other and having such a great time, even if death was possibly among them. It was a sign of friendship for everyone, they were all a great assest to the Legion no matter what skills. Such great men, Salvius thought happily to himself, smiling as he surveyed each soldier.

Legionnaire Cirroc also wanted to join the raid. Like Will, Salvius thought that he deserved more attention for his fighting and tactical abilty, he just hadn't had the chance show it off. But now he did and it was time to battle with honour and pride. The Captain ordered the group to march, it wasn't complex or inspirational but just the way he worded his sentance was moving, and got the men in the mood for the attack.

''You heard the man! Come on men, lets go! It's time to stand our ground! And it's time to get revenge on these foul beasts! Move out!'' Salvius thought he would help the Captain get everyone ready, two inspirational figures was always better then one. However he was dissapointed that Lieutenant Ladin showed no enthusiasm what so ever. The Sergeant knew that Ladin saw the plan as futile, and he also felt it was a little out of reach, but they had no choice and they may as well try and lift the morale, and make people feel good.

As the platoon marched on through the halls of the outpost, Salvius was happy to see Garath tagging along as a skirmisher, always a reliable fellow and could be trusted with guarding the rear of the men. The entire duel with the Captain and cheering crowd had got the Imperial in the mood for a battle, his confidence had risen and just the thought of avenging his friends motivated the Sergeant to destory the Vampires. He felt as if he was going to be part of history and they were leaving for a big battle, even if it was actually going to be a bloody and gruesome fight with vampires in a cold, dank cave. Just the thoughts alone made the hairs on his back stand up. However with all this said, Salvius was still worried about the younger recruits. How would they handle the whole situation? What if their friends die? What if they get scarred for life? All these thoughts were reeling through the Sergeants mind, he tried his best to push them away.

As the grand formation of men-at-arms made their way outside, Salvius turned to his friend Janus who had a mix of different emotions going on inside him. It was evident from his face. ''Don't worry young man, it'll all be fine. If I don't come out of this you will. I promise, and they you can celebrate our spectacular victory.'' Salvius spoke proudly with a pat on the back. Assuring that nothing was going to go wrong. Janus simply nodded and smiled, obviously nervous.

''Well this is it.'' Salvius muttered to the Captain, as the trio of officer led the men behind the scout William.
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:59 pm

"Aye.. Oi Ladin what's with you eh mate? You seem all down! We're going to finally get revenge!! We're going to win back Blackwood!" he said, pushing on through the brush hoping Will would find the cave soon. "C'mon Will let's hurry this up. My sword is just achin' to be sunk into the pale, drawn flesh of these blood-beasts!"

The Captain moved onwards, slightly ahead of Ladin and Salvius, almost next to Will.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:25 am

''So, basically, the plan, Halbari...'' Ladin started, his hand shooting up to his chin. ''Is that we're going to hit the vampire cave, mate, and the Cappy chose you to be part of the attack'' The Argonians lips jerked slightly, ''Now, before I-'' Ladin was cut off by Sergeant Salvius running to him. 'Ladin! Lieutenant Ladin! There has been an injury, the Captains down! No time to explain lets just get to the training room, pronto!'' The Lieutenant wasted no time, he gesture Halbari to follow him as he chased after the Sergeant.
''Sir I think we'll have to call the raid off, we can't do it without the Captain. Shall I tell the men? Or instead do you want to lead the battle yourself?'', Salvius frantically asked, but before Ladin could answer him, Ferman spoke up.

"Men.. men! Calm down please! I'm okay! I just had another attack.. calm down. I'll be fine. I can still lead the attack, fear not. It just.. Got me when I wasn't expecting it. Worry not, I'm fine,". Ladin's face was supposed to be mixed with doubt and worry, although his black face covered it up very well. If this happened while they were attacking the cave, it would cause some complications.
Ferman's recovery came exceedingly fast, for he invited the Sergeant into a sparring match. Legionnaires gathered around to watch the two men fence, but in the end, Ferman won by delivering an unexpected swing, nearly disarming Salvius.

Minutes after the match, Ferman gave the order to move out. Ladin purposely ran up next to Salvius, and making sure Ferman was out of earshot, Ladin whispered ''Listen Sergeant, I know you trust the Captain, but I'd like you to stick with him while were in the cave'' He paused for a moment, ''He's becoming stabby-happy and is bound to make a mistake sooner or later. I need you to stay with him, and keep an eye on him''

ooc: Try not to move so fast guys. EDIT: As in posting-wise. It's like 5 posts per hour....
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:31 am

OOC: Yeah I agree with Jerod here, I know I've been posting a lot but I have a fair amount to do in this RP. I'm not going to make a post right now just to answer a question as we need others to post about their character in this part of the RP as it is a big event. And I suggest we don't start the battle of the cave until everyone has posted. And please for the love of god can you not rush the cave fight over night, I live in England and this RP is very active when I'm asleep. I wish not to miss the battle for I have planned it out, and also it wouldn't make sense RP wise to forget about the Sergeant during the battle.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:03 am

Zhanja watched as the captain and the other soldier sparred, shaking his head as the man seemed to push himself on. The captain had ordered everyone to move out and so he handed out the potions. Endurance, agility and strength enhancing with night eye for the soldiers. While archers got agility endurance and night eye.

He had handed john the flash bomb that would momentarily stun the vampires due to their sensativity to light. He himself wasn't impressed with the running off like this however.
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jessica robson
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:44 am

OOC: I'm taking Firenze out of the rp because he joined earlier yet hasn't posted; I think he doesn't give a sh17 about the rp. The only person that still has yet to post is Lupercal101.. Also, I have a good meeting spot for us where we can do live chat.. It's the heresy-online live chat thing.. I'm usually in there so if any of you want to make an account on there to talk to me in live chat that'd be awesome here is a link.
I met Lupercal101 in there.. I'll try and talk to him and tell him to post in here asap.
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:38 am

OOC: guys we really need to slow this down. Anyhoo.

William led the squad through the underbrush towards the cave.
Where is it... There! He thought as the hill that the cave was situated on came into view. Will put a finger to his lips and crept towards the cave.
He pulled back the dense plant growth in front of the cave and...
Where the entrance to the cave was supposed to be there was a wall of solid rock.
William turned to see Ferman's stratled face and the others still moving towards the cave.
"I'm sorry sir I-I thought it was here... It..."
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Matt Bee
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:48 am

"What?! How is this POSSIBLE?! You.. you fool! You have ruined everything!" he shouted, and nudged Will aside. "How can this be? You told me there was an open cave here, not a pile of rubble!" shouted the Captain. He brought hit cutlass above his head and rushed it down to hit one of the rocks. He braced for impact, but it flew right through and he fell to the ground in confusion. "What trickery is this?" he spat.

The Captain waved a hand through another rock. "The bastards used their foul magicks to hide themselves! But we have proved ourselves smarter than those fiends. Come, men! Into the darkness we go, to avenge our friends that have fallen to bloodlust! With our steel and silver we will ravage the vampires until none of them live!"
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Catherine Harte
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:39 am

ooc: Please stop using netspeak to hide cursing. It does get offensive at times and really there is no need.

IC: Zhanja hissed at the captain "Quiet! They probably know we are here by now with you shouting . " he said in a low annoyed tone. Now thinking their plan in ruins "And wait! Drink yer potions before we go in. Unless you want to be as dead as the undead inside"
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:53 am

As each soldier marched, Ri'Zhanja was giving out everyones respective potion. Salvius was extremely happy with what he got, it was expected but would be incredibley useful. It would boost his endurace giving him the ability to fight for longer, and possibly make the knee stronger for a brief period. Strength for obvious reasons, it probably wouldn't do much for him, but every little helps. But the potion that the Sergeant would definatly need the most was the agility one, he lacked it serverly and would be a great help in the battle, especially against the vampires as they are very fast as well as being strong.

Suddenly, whilst Salvius was inspecting the surroundings of the men, Lieutenant Ladin crept up to him, startling the Imperial in the process. He was so concentrated that he almost unsheathed his blade. But seeing the Argonians recognizable face calmed him.

''Listen Sergeant, I know you trust the Captain, but I'd like you to stick with him while were in the cave. He's becoming stabby-happy and is bound to make a mistake sooner or later. I need you to stay with him, and keep an eye on him.'' As much as Salvius hated to admit it, Ladin did have a point. Even if Ferrus was only trying to encourage the men.

''I know sir, I know. But you see, he's just trying to get the soldiers going y'know? But still I understand, I've also noticed it's become a little too frequent. I'll do my best Lieutenant.'' Salvius needed to keep an eye on the Captain anyway, seeing as he had the hip problem in all, he would just make sure he doesn't go over the top. It would get him killed and possibly the others. Salvius spread out a little from the march, the sound of heavy troopers stomping on the ground was giving him a slight headache. And if their was one thing he hated it was headaches. Thankfully, the Imperial had brought a small bottle of water a long with him, for obvious reasons. If Salvius did get a headache, then he would have to retreat back, it wasn't frequent but when he did get one it would evolve into a excrutiatingly painful migrane. But thankfully that was only if he did nothing to stop it, but he had the water.

Just because he and the group were stationed in Blackwood, arguably the worst part of Cyrodil, it didn't stop Salvius admiring the unique beauty of the place. Sure the marsh wasn't nice but the towering trees were a sight to behold. However this was no time for acting like some sort of naturist, he had a job to do and would not be distracted. All the men started to make their moves quieter, as it would seem William had found the hidden entrance to the vampire's hideout. However, unfortunatly it seemed the creatures had tried to hid themselves by placing a rock infront of the supposted entrance. ''Dammit!'' Salvius shouted in frustration, there wasn't really many words to express his feelings. But with that said, he was not going to blame it on William, he had done a fantastic job but unfortunatly they may have caught him whilst he was scouting the place.

''Don't worry Will, you did a very good job, this isn't your fault and you should know that.'' Salvius thought he would comfort the scout, seeing as all the Captain did was get angry.

However, the Captain's anger payed off, as he attempted to hit his sword onto the 'rock' in fell through it. ''Bloody cowards..'' Salvius muttered. It boosted his confidence a little that the vampires had shown some sign of fear. Perhaps they're not so bad after all? The Imperial thought, as he unsheathed his blade and tendered to his hilt. It was an honour to once again fight with his fathers great sword, it would also be a pleasure to sink its tip through the beast's foul flesh. Luckily Salvius remembered to bring it, he almost forgot with all the comotion going on back in the outpost.

Zhan told everyone that now would be a good time to drink the potion, and Salvius saw no reason to disagree. Everyone drank their brew in sequence it would seem. The Sergeant could feel almost feel the tingling sensation around his knee, showing that the bone and cells around it were fortifying themselves, making him more mobile in the area. He knew the agility effect was working, his muscles became lose, more movable and he could even swing his sword with more speed and precision. And finally the strength. Salvius' biceps, triceps and calf tensed and bulged, the force around them felt stronger. With these signs, and the adrenaline pumping through the body, the Imperial knew it was time for war.

The Sergeant took the first step through the illusion and into the dreaded cave. The smell was recognizable. The vile stench of death and dispair attacked his nostrils. However it would be gotten used to over time, and when fighting undead monsters, you don't really think about the nasal sense. Before anyone did anything Salvius turned and spoke to the group, but tried to direct it more towards the Captain.

''Okay men, be careful here. In case you haven't noticed the vampires know we're coming, the 'rock' there makes it obvious. Don't do anything rash, and slowly move in. Lets go.'' Salvius whispered carefully. The men silently crept through the first zone, following scout William. As they crept, the Sergeant kissed his magical amulet his mother gave him, it would bring good luck and give him the energy for battle.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:56 am

Ferrus gave the signal to stop, and sent Tor with his archers up by the side of John, who walked forwards cowardly. Shadows flitted by further down the cave. They waited a minute, and, as if they had finally heard John's fake cries of help, leapt out of the shadows. John threw the potion and the vampires were blinded in confusion for a moment. There was only about seven of them, maybe eight or nine, which slightly surprised Manus.

Why would the vampires only send half their number to deal with this invasion? John leapt out of the fray and Tor and his archer pinned the blood beasts to the ground with arrows. Ferrus and the rest of the men rushed forwards into the fray.

The cold, dank air of the cave rushed against his face as he fell to the floor under a vampire's swinging claw. He rolled sideways and kicked against its leg, tripping it and smashing it against the dark, hard ground of the cave. He kicked it in the groin, and cut off one of its unholy legs at the knee with his cutlasses execution style. It howled in pain, and he flipped himself over onto his belly and sliced the swords through its neck and chest, rupturing its heart.
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:29 am

Ri'zhanja had entered and watched the beginning unfold. Something wasn't right, definitely off in here and it rubbed him the wrong way. Tensing his body up the khajiit drew his katana and wakizashi, the shaman khajiit duel wielding the weapons. He began a slow run then entered a quicker jog and then a sprint, leaping into the with his blades out striking down a vampire behind the captain, decapitating one arm and jamming it into the vampires throat. He retreated the blade, ducking under another vampire's swing and parryed the weapon cutting off his hand then head.
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P PoLlo
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Post » Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:18 pm

OOC: erh, sorry to ask, but when did John enter the cave? Please, consider that this is a written RP, and so we can wait one or two, (or even more), days between each of our posts. Give as many members as possible the chance to write something. As far as myself am concerned, I am perfectly happy to let this RP go on for a few months.
Oh, btw, this is vampires we are fighting, not a mob of foolish fanatics. Be careful ;)

IC: Garath was amazed... amazed that nobody seemed to consider an illusionary rock. Amazed that they made so much noise...
Standing in the shadow of a tree he sighed and shook his head a bit as the legionaires ran carelessly into the cave, and going after the sounds of metal againts metal and a few screams and shouts, enganged with the vampires.

Deciding after a few moments he should be doing his job, scanning for possible stragglers, he turned his head slightly around... and froze. He could see bushes rustle and move farther into the forest. Normally he would have shrugged it off as an animal, but most animals did not leave bushes rustling for several yards.
Focusing his eyes, he could see glints of metal, and here and there, dark shapes moving.

Taking a moment to decide what to do, he estimated the distance left to the fighting legionaires. Too long! the ambushers would be right on his heels!
Drawing in his breath, he spun into motion, he sprinted towwards the legionaires while drawing one of his daggers with his left hand and 3 throwing knives in his right. He heard cries of surprise and anger behind him, and looking back he saw several vampires, jaws wide open, running with all they had after him. A part of him noticed their skin giving of a faint trail of smoke. Curious, he thought.
"AMBUSH!" he then screamed at the top of his lungs, praying enough of the Imperial soldiers would notice the danger in time.

Another look behind him showed that the vampires were closing in with frightening speed. Would he reach his comrades in time, or be overrun by the mob?
With a leap he spun 360degrees around and sent one of his knives spinning towards the vampires. As he ran on, he heard a satisfying grunt. Hopefully the hit had been fatal, but he doubted it. Vampires were not easily brought down...
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:26 am

OOC: I don't understand much of your post mate, how could the vampires be rustling in the bushes in the day time? Or is it night at the moment? I'm confused right now.
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:57 am

ooc: It's beginning to turn night, I believe Chriso.


''Good man'' Ladin said, patting the Imperial's shoulder, ''I see much potential in you...'' . That is, if you don't die.... The march suddenly stopped. One of Ladin's eyebrows rose in suspicion, Are we already at the cave?, his question was answered when he heard Ferman's angry yelling. Uh oh...He better not be having another attack.... The Argonian sighed and moved forward fast the rest of the men.
Ferman was ranting on how the plan was ruined and accidentally fooled the vampires plan. Illusionary rocks....who would have thought?. Ladins eyes shot open as he realized, They knew we were coming!, he looked in all directions around him, and immediately ripped his sword out of it's scabbard. This is not good, we need to get out of here!, He looked towards the cave, and saw what he less desired; The captain and the men were entering the cave.

No! You fools!, Ladin thought angrily. Nearly seconds after the soldiers entered the cave, Ladin heard awkward sounds. Sounds that you would only hears in the night, the wind was blowing around the dead leaves on the floor with a bone-chilling rustle. And that's when Ladin realized that there was no wind, those leaves were not being blown away, they were being stepped on. Ladin looked around him, all sorts of shadows and sounds crept silently towards him, and whoever stayed outside. My god. The Lieutenant thought in fear, We've fallen into a vampire-


One of the Legionnaires shouted, and the shadows sprung into tall figures, which charged at the few soldiers. Ladin held his scimitar in a diagonal fashion, inches from his chest. His feet were prepped in a defensive stance only taught to Soldiers of Argonia. The vampires however, charged at the legionnaires, screaming like a banshee with their fanged-mouths wide open. Stay in formation..., He reminded himself, A good defense is key.. The grip on the handle of the Argonians sword grew tighter and tighter as the Vampires approached. The first blood-svcker was now only a few feet from Ladin, and thats when he sprung. Ladin swung the sword, in a quick and smooth, uppercut motion, catching the vampire in his lower section. The creature screamed in pain as the sharp blade sliced through it's pale skin and flesh, proceeding up it's chest, and when it reached above it's heart, Ladin pushed forward, driving the blade through the Vampire heart, and even through it's body.
The vampire's corpse fell onto the mossy ground with a loud meaty thud as he pulled his sword out of it's chest. Ladin then turned his attention to the other soldiers, he needed to help them before they were all overrun.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:34 am

OOC: Have you played oblivion? If I understand the story, the vampires are feeding rather well... Oblivion vampires skin burns a little when well fed, when starved it burns very, very much, but takes awhile to actually be serious and kill them. So these ones would be able to walk outside, at least for a limited time. And I believe an earlier post stated that 'the light was fading fast'.
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Danny Warner
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