I never heard of Rupert Friend before or seen him in anything, but after a quick google I'm already convinced he will do a much better job as 47 than Timothy Olyphant did. So in that light, it's promising already

I'm not quite willing to write it off as Hollywood trash already (although I saw A Good Day to Die Hard last week for the first time and it was absolutely horrible) cause in the past few years there been a number of movies based on comics that I enjoyed much more than I anticipated, maybe it's time for a good movie based on a video game to be made too? Even if still a bit doubtful

Berlin is an interesting choice too, especially since I've been in a strong 60/70s spy mood lately (recently watched Three Days of the Condor & The Quiller Memorandum for example), and Berlin is pretty much
the spy city. So I'm hoping for some good spy stuff, even though it's present day(?)