Well ... watched it. Can't say I learned anything really.
Seems odd though that targeting multiple enemies in VATS doesn't lower the % chance to hit on each target. I would have assumed that for each additional target you lock on to there'd be a 10% loss in the chance to hit or something.
So it works the same as FO3 and NV. Still making a energy weapon sniper.
Given that neither Fo3 or NV worked that way... why would you assume it?
Anyways 4/10 video.
Yup, focusing on Agility and Perception, same as I initially planned. I may now shift slightly more to Agility though as it looks like I may get more out of it at the start, and then build Perception as my secondary focus. I am so psyched for this game!!!
I think you owe them a soda.
Anyway that would just make sense to me. Like dual wielding swords in a fantasy game gives negatives to hit. I never said it was like that in prior games. Just seems with the new system that getting that Perk might make things too easy.
And Rapid Reload makes a return as a perk, either Agl 1 or 8 given the perk chart (can't really tell), though I'd guess 1.
Which is kinda silly, given that Rapid Reload isn't that great of a perk.
The first perk is suppose to make you good with pistols. So it's probably 8.
Edit- It's 3rd.
The 3rd has some guy sneaking around in a mask.
Well ... it was a funny video, but I'm kind of underwhelmed that it didn't reveal anything new. The only glimmer of anything new was maybe that lighting will affect stealth? Unless that was just for comedic effect.
I found the part interesting where the announcer said that others might try to sneak attack you. It's always difficult to tell if this is genuine information, or just a bit of fun in the video.
It has already been revealed that Light Step and Silent Running are part of the Sneak perk which is A3.
Darn it. LeBurns is right. Looking at the perk chart rapid reload is 8th.
It looks like we will have chain takedowns (think Far Cry 3), and a perk which adds AoE damage to shots.
Enemies that come from underground like mole rats and rad scorpions probably can sneak attack us.
Being able to extinguish light sources and it actually make a real difference, enemies using stealth attacks on you (molerats and radscorpions underground, ghouls through walls, etc) - all nice things. Especially if the stealthy enemies don't show up on your "radar" until your Perception "notices" them (at reduced range due to stealth). Imagine being a low-Perception character and walking through an area, at night, only to have a dozen radscorpions suddenly burst out of the ground around you. That would just svck. (But be awesome at the same time).
When I saw the part about enemies using stealth too, that excited me. High Perception should help negate that since it looked like a perk in Perception can help to hit an enemy behind walls.
It just amazes me how they're spot on with everything in these videos. The music, narration, animation, style all captures the era's informative cartoons' essence perfectly.
The distortion and cuts away from when he's describing a perk are the best.
I'm still curious about what the 6th Agility perk does.