M'aiq wonders who do you think would win in a battle?
- Lydia
- Hadvar
- Alduin
- Paarthurnax
- General Tullius
- Legate Rikke
- Vignar Gray-Mane
- Frea
- Isran
- Caesar (Ave. True to Caesar!)
M'aiq wonders who do you think would win in a battle?
1. Jordis and Lydia have the same stats. I voted Jordis because she's better looking.
2. Ralof. I just voted for him because he's a Stormcloak.
3. Miraak. Dat Thu'um and because Hakon and the others wanted him to defeat Alduin.
4. Odahviing. because Paarthy is a hippy Dragon.
5. Ulfric. Dat Thu'um and sixy voice.
6. Galmar. Dat Iron Battleaxe.
7. Vignar. He's a true Nord. Olfid is just a rich guy who thinks everyone should know him.
8. Serana. Vampiric powers and stuff.
9. Harkon. Vampiric powers.
10. I hate that game.
Lydia - She seems more rugged as a warrior then Jordis.
Hadvar - Feels more experienced as a fighter to me.
Miraak - If i could defeat Alduin that easy, i'm sure he would have no trouble either.
Paarthurnax - Personal fav, but the fight could go both ways.
Ulfric Stormcloak - Thu'um.
Galmar Stone-Fist - Seems like the type to go all out in the fight, but this is another fight that could go both ways.
Vignar Gray-Mane - A fighter for most of his life, Olfrid however is the type to pay others to fight.
Serana - Ice slows.
Lord Harkon - I'm sorry Isran, but you wouldn't stand a chance.
Caeser - Even though i despise him, i could see him fighting real dirty, using every advantage he could to win.
1. Jordis is sweet but I can't imagine ever taking her into battle/down the pub for a bottle of mead. Lydia, easily.
2. Hadvar, on the other hand, is a sweetie but also an experienced, trained soldier. Ralof would probably fight dirtier (guerilla tactics and all that) but ultimately I think Hadvar would come out on top.
3. Alduin, though tbh I've not yet got to the bit in Dragonborn where you fight Miraak. I just don't like him.
4. Paarthurnax is cool, but I suspect he'd try to reason with Ohdaviing who would get the jump on him before he admitted that it wasn't going to work out peacefully.
5. Unlike with Hadvar/Ralof, I think Tulius would lose - both he and Ulfric are trained soldiers, but Ulfric has his rage and his Thu'um, while Tulius is more of a strategist than a fighter these days.
6. I think Galmar/Rikke would be fairly close matched, so I've basically picked the person whose outfit I like best. It's Galmar.
7. Vignar, for basically the same reason as Vaen.
8. I ticked Frea but I can't for the life of me remember why. Again, I haven't got that far in Dragonborn, and not that recently, so I don't really remember her. I don't think Serana's all that great in a fight, though, could go either way.
9. Harkon's rubbish, Isran is cool. Isran victorious.
10. I do have the game but have only just started, so have no idea, I ticked that I don't have it.
I swear I've answered Ralof vs. Hadvar about as many times as Lydia gets stuck in a doorway... Wasn't there a poll just like this a few weeks ago?
Ulfric Stormcloak can literally shout down a city's walls, and the army on top of it. I don't think Tullius has a fighting chance against him in single combat.
1. Lydia
2. Ralof
3. Miraak
4. Odie, because He is essential
5. Ulfric
6. Rikke
7. Vignar
8. Serana
9. Harkon
10. Ceasar, Profligate
Would anybody like to do the work of creating a mod that will test these questions directly?
No need for a mod, you just remove the essential tags and let 'er rip. Ulfric almost always beats Tullius on account of a stupid difference in health, Alduin predictably wipes the floor with Miraak, and Odahviing comfortably takes Paarthurnax out of the skies.
Edit: ^^^^^^ See! I'm right.
1. Lydia would kick her ass.
2. Hadvar has better gear.
3. Alduin. Miraak doesnt even go outside to mow the lawn.
4. Odaahviing seems like a better fighter.
5. Ulfric
6. Galmar cause I like his voice .-.
7. Olfrid cause Empire.
8. Frea has better armor and doesnt get down in 6 hits.
9. Isran kicks Harkon's little pale ass
10. Ceaser would shove his fathead into the Artillery Cannon and fire it onto the damn. (Who was the one fool, who thought that powdered president, could beat Ceaser?)
I swear, this very same user made this very same topic a while ago. Anyway:
1. They are exactly the same in every conceivable manner.
2. Hadvar because of his skillset. Though Ralof deserves credit for being an awesome follower.
3. If we could defeat Alduin, so can Miraak.
4. Odahviing because of his higher level cap
5. Ulfric's Thu'um aside, they are an even match.
6. Also an even match
7. Vignar Gray-Mane, because he is a more seasoned soldier.
8. I am more partial towards Skaal shamans. So, Frea.
9. Lord Harkon, because of his greater level of experience.
10. [censored] Caesar and his army of Roman cosplayers. I kill them all on principle. (Though I believe Caesar would win this fight anyway.)
1. They're both pretty much the same boring person. Who cares.
2. Hadvar. Trained Legion against farm boy.
3. Miraak. Alduin is a wuss of a dragon.
4. Paarthurnax. Brother of Alduin (which doesn't say much) so surely he is more powerful.
5. Ulfric, if shouts were allowed. Both make for equal warriors otherwise.
6. Rikke. Both an even match to be honest, as both served in the Legion and I don't doubt Galmar would be in Rikke's same position, had he stayed in the Legion. But I'll just go with Rikke by chance for more experience as a Legate of the Legion? I don't know, but favoritism pretty much.
7. Vignar. He may be a stubborn old coot, but when stuck to old traditions does it also mean he still knows how to use an axe. Not to mention former Legion and Companion.
8. Serana. She'd probably reanimate everything and have it pile on Frea.
9. Harkon. Would probably transform and rip Isran's throat out.
10. Out of those, Caesar. Both physically and mentally. Kimball (despite his military experience) is just another NCR bureaucrat. Caesar is intellectual individual for which I cherish his views. If I were to consider other options, the House always wins.