M'aiq wants you to enter your sixy khajiits!
M'aiq will be accepting 9 entries and M'aiq will count as the 10th entry.
Let the entries begin!
M'aiq wants you to enter your sixy khajiits!
M'aiq will be accepting 9 entries and M'aiq will count as the 10th entry.
Let the entries begin!
My computer is dead at the moment and won't be fixed until some point next week, so I won't be able to participate in this one.
I might try to see if I can make it work somehow on my laptop, but I doubt the result will be very good. Looking forward to see the entries though.
I svck at lore-friendly names.
I win right?
Actually, there IS a breed of khajiit that looks like normal housecats - the Alfiq (I figure the Alfiq-Raht are about the size/slightly smaller than Maine Coons). They tend to be thieves(Like all khajiit) and mages (Because size doesn't matter with magic).
I'll probably upload a better image/screenshot of the character later, and maybe make a few tweaks to the face, and maybe change the outfit. I just took those before I closed the game where I was, instead of putting effort into composing a good image (Hence me taking it in the middle of the Mythic Dawn museum, and using camera angles to hide my companion). I'm trying to find a good outfit that shows off her body in a way that's actually sixy, not... well, gross (And stupid double standards about what's socially acceptable prevent me from letting her simply be shirtless).
Maybe I'll make my other character and submit her. She's got a completely different appearance. Best of all, I'll be submitting them to any khajiit-themed "Badass" pageants as well, since sixy and badass are positively correlated to me. Hopefully Sarth (The currently-submitted one, short for Sartharina, an Original Character I ported to the TES games because they allow badass feline warrior characters) will have Glass armor by the time one of those roll around. The other will be in forsworn armor, because she's more of a savage beauty than a cultured warrior-princess.